so the following here, affect ONLY if WP_w3all path is set to check for manual edited config.php file, and not if it is set to include/check for phpBB root config.php file.
The problem is that on plugin auto update all plugin’s files are deleted and replaced by new plugin’s files: unfortunately also the edited wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/phpbb/config.php will be deleted on plugin update.
For this, any time the WP_w3all plugin is updated, if we have choose the manual config, the WP_w3all edited config.php file, will be erased, and will be necessary to rename and re-edit the
I’ve think to add a a form on WP_w3all config page, so was possible to save data for connection into WP db and avoid this behavior. But due to many implications that this matter would involves, the way to resolve will be: change hints on WP_w3all config page, asking to create a folder inside WP_plugins folder but out of the wp-w3all-phpbb-integration folder, where to put the edited config.php that will not be deleted on plugin update.
All will be clearly explained on WP_w3all config page, like this:
To resume, and correctly update to WP_w3all 1.5.0 if on WP_w3all config page we have choose to use the manual config, three simple steps:
Create a folder and name it wp-w3all-config on wp-content/plugins/
so you’ll have:
now open folder:
copy the two files (config.php and .htaccess) contained inside
and paste these two files into the previously created
change the path on WP_w3all config page to fit the location of wp-w3all-config folder (that maybe you could name instead whatever you like of course).
Done this one time, it is possible to update WP_w3all without problems on next updates, as the edited manual config.php file, reside outside the wp-w3all-phpbb-integration folder.
There is no hook in WP to avoid entire deletions of plugin files on plugin auto update.
So to be up and running from now on with manual config and WP_w3all auto plugin update, this step (one time more for somebody!) is required. I’m sorry!
= 1.4.7 =
*Release Date – 19 Jul, 2016*
* Add Manual phpBB configuration mode for compatibility with some external plugins (and for a more easy and fast config include, expecially on subdomains installation). See wp_w3all config admin page for easy instructions to switch to manual config (that mean just change path to the new config.php file, that you need to edit before)
* Fix several compatibility problems about external, users login/registration profile update, plugins
* Fix correct wordpress default profile fields updates
* Fix minor security bug
* Fix minor bugs
from 1.4.7 >
advanced – it’s possible to add custom profile fields on WP using some external plugin that do this on WP profile: in phpBB there are also custom profile fields that you can create on ACP.
It’s easy to connect these phpBB/WP profile fields adding few code instructions into wp_w3all.
]]>1.4.4 fix also another bug about profile fields update (that are URL, email and password) if was done in phpBB side by user (or admin).
If user was visiting directly his WP profile as first page, after changes in phpBB, the update to profile fields in WP was done after almost a page reload: now is correctly done at same time user open his profile page, also if it is the first one page user visit in WP side, after changes in phpBB.
Report any problem, thank
]]>About wp_w3all 1.2.1 and new WP 4.5: without many compliments, i’ve just update to new WordPress 4.5 release. All run “sparkly”.
]]>When you install wp_w3all after configuration, REMEMBER that at first time, the WP admin, will be logged out on frontend. Do not worry. It happen once, and only the first time in case. Re-login and you’ll be up and running.
When users update their profile in Wp about pass or email, their profile on phpBB also will be updated. About password, change: this DO NOT AFFECT the admin install UID 1 on WP. This will be changed on next versions.
Take confidence, try out, it work very well now.
]]>After evenings and evenings of searching the interwebs is it possible to include my phpbb forums in a wordpress page?
As of right now my wordpress is installed in my main public_html folder, and my phpbb is installed in a forums folder.
I saw a couple of outdated plugins but nothing works since im running newer versions of both.
Any ideas please?