Second bug is in render-recaptcha.js file where an undefined variable is used.
]]>This is a bug report.
I know that Image Teleporter does not support WP 4.0 at this moment.
I just want to let you know about this small bug :
When updating a post, in WP 4.0 with php 5.3, 5.4 or 5.5, a blank page appears.
The problem does not appear when using php 5.2 .
Thank you.
]]>Fatal error: Class 'livestreambadger\LSB_Embedded_Twitch_View' not found in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/live-stream-badger/shortcode/class-embedded-stream.php on line 34
I saw in another post you mentioned I need PHP 5.3+ (I have 5.3.27), however some people have reported using PHP 5.4/5.5 and still having this error so I’m not going to request an update from my host.
Here’s a screenshot from my cPanel login: Link
How would I go about installing Version 1.3?
is called on line 351 of wp_mail_smtp.php
. This can be fixed by replacing the regex email check with PHP’s built-in filter_var()
function for checking emails:
// replace the following on lines 351-353
if (preg_match('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~]+'.'@'.
'[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~]+$', $email))
// change to:
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
[No bumping, thank you.]
]]>We are moving servers soon so I am hoping a fix for 5.4 may be in the cards soon. Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>Since its great thing to do awesome designs in wordpress I just wanted to add a few lines to explain other users how to use it and maybe suggest a feature or two for it.
Plugin can be used in more than just one way and for me the best way is to use it for single pages and posts. That is why I need to use custom css for every Image Set. Now since i know how to use it its easy for me but i think it would be easier if this CSS “commands” would be aranged in a settings like in general plugin settings.
for those who doesnt know how to use custom css field, here are some examples:
body { background-repeat:repeat !important; }
– will repeat x and y of your image
body { background-color:#101415 !important; }
– will change your background color to color #101415
and more can be found here:
one more thing that i found useful since we host our webpages on godaddy. if you are not able to use this plugin bcoz your host provider didn’t yet enable you to use PHP 5.3 or higher you can just modify four .htaccess file. if you are hosting on GoDaddy add AddHandler x-httpd-php5-3 .php
and that’s it. for more information you can check out this post:
if (eregi($useragent,$container)){
>> to <<
if( preg_match( strtlower( $useragent ), strtolower( $container ) ) {
Oscar Frowijn
]]>I would like to upgrade the server to php5.3.x
Is WP 3.0.4 compatable with php 5.3.x?