I would like to make a wordpress website and install some additional web scripts on subdomains.
When user register on my main website, witch is wordpress when they create an account they should have access for all the web scripts automatically. All this scripts are different websites with different databases. Can i somehow automatically make a record for each database when a wordpress user has been created so they can log in to any of this services with the same user and pass?
I hope someone can point me to the right direction.
Many thanks!
]]>I need to know what company other than WordPress is hosting my website. I also need to contact them and ask them to increase the execution time for PHP scripts.
Here is the error message from BackupGuard:
Your hosting has an execution time limit of 30 seconds for PHP scripts, which is not enough for performing a full backup/restore of your website. A full website backup/restore is a complex process which may take a couple of minutes depending on many circumstances. The needed execution time varies depending on the backup options and your server performance, that’s why we cannot tell exactly how much execution time is needed. But, almost all hosting providers give users the ability to increase the execution time limit or they increase it themselves, upon user request. Please ask your hosting provider if they are able to increase your execution time limit.
]]>Can someone please provide as much information as possible, as stated before I am a complete novice with this subject. Many thanks in advance.
]]>are in WP some runtime limits for PHP Script Execution existing?
We execute a function with wp_cron, once a week. The script has a loop with a sleep to make a little pause. All is working fine, but the loop and the function is stopping after 9 minutes without error. Debug Log is on, but no error occur.
I changed our sleeping time in the loop, and when I make it small, we can execute more loop iterations. But it stop every time between 8-9 minutes.
out php.ini has set:
max_execution_time = 1200
So should run 20 minutes.
I tried also settings up “set_time_limit(3000);” every time in the loop, but makes no difference.
Any Idea for WP See tings which influence this?
Or perhaps some other settings in php or some where else I can check?
Host is “hosteurope”
Thanks a lot!
I am running the Point theme . The site was working fine as I was building it locally on my computer, however now that I have uploaded it to the server the hosting company I am with, Digital Pacific, has a limit on the amount of concurrent php scripts that can run at one time. I believe the limit is 20.
Does anyone know how I can identify what requests my theme is making to explain why it keeps reaching the limit and how I can eliminate them?
I have spent a number of hours styling the theme only to find out that it doesn’t work with my hosting plan…
Any help would be much appreciated.. thank you!
]]>Been going round in circles for a while now so a few pointers would be great
]]>i am building a wordpress website, but i wanna add more php scripts to it like seo tools and directory, how can i do that and how to create their go links in main wordpress site.
my website link is https://www.exactlisting.com , hope u can help me and lead me the way.
]]>I have managed to randomize a list of links in my sidebar, that change every time the page is refreshed (using the script: better blogroll v2.8 (excellent script by the way))
I need the same functionality as this but in my footer.
1.I don’t know how to create a ‘foot-bar’ if that’s what’s called and
2. can I use the same php script elewhere on the blog and if so how?
thank you to whoever can help me