So I am building a mini portfolio site using Photum minimalist theme, I have made some aesthetic changes (removing unecessary texts, titles and such) and so far pretty happy with everything.
But then…
I could only put 10 photo thumbnails on the default front page no matter what. There seems to be a hidden pagination that leads to nowhere (when I press go to page 2, it says no content found). I just want one page with more than 10 thumbs.
I tried to look at some of the php pages hoping there’s a set parameter for maximum photo value, no luck.
I’m stuck at this point and this is my last resort :/
Please help. Super truly thanks in advance!
]]>“Warning: include_once(includes/custompost.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory … … … “
There are many victims in the WordPress forum!
]]>I try to speak english as good as possible, but it’s not my native language.
Thank You !
The theme has a custom post type for photographs and custom taxonomies for location, equipment and category.
I would like to display the EXIF information for every image and installed your plugin.
I have pasted the php code in the template file.
Nothing is displayed.
]]>We use. Photum to make . but in Photo details cant display . Could anybody check why ?
Live Site –
regards ..
]]>I am newbie to wordpress cms system. I try to bring my own photo for my projects, but it seem to be error.
I follow theme instruction page – .. but I got problem.
Photo cant display in details url . Live view –
My Html Code in .. Photo Section :
<img class=”size-thumbnail wp-image-46″ title=”Acanthopsoides Delphax” src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”150″ height=”150″ /> Acanthopsoides delphaxAny Advice, Why Images for details link cant be found
]]>I’m using this theme “Photum”
I got a problem with Pagination in the home page, when Im using Google Chrome 17 “latest version”, the pagination go behind the photos!
Kindly, check my website:
Any ideas how to solve it?