All my photos are taken with the same camera (my cell phone)…so that isn’t any different. Both the multi-file uploader and browser uploader gave me the same error message.
My photos are between 120 – 200 jpeg (if that means anything to anyone….I’m not really tech savvy.)
Help!! What can I do??
Thanks in advance!
]]>If you go to the ‘About’ section, there is supposed to be a picture under the sentence “Without further ado…” and a picture under my little snippet about Jordan. I also had a paragraph about our furbabies and tried to upload a picture there, but it also wouldn’t upload.
I was finally able to upload a couple pictures, and when I went to post them where I was writing- it just put a period where the picture should be.
]]>When I use ‘upload photo’, I can select the photo from my c: drive, but when I press ‘upload’, it refreshes the page but does not upload the photo. There is no error message.
I have deinstalled 5.1.15, removed every trace of it, and then reinstalled. I also did a ‘reset – Do It’ on the parameters, but it still does not work.
]]>I’m sure that there are lots of folks out there getting this error.
However its seems that not a lot of fixes are coming forward so I thought I would give you my fix on it.
Having successfully installed wp on my little ubuntu server all seemed well apart from uploading images.
Looking around the various post and trying nearly all of them without success it dawned on me of a problem that I had with another php application “Coppermine” coppermine is a photo gallery which uses the same way to upload media.
ok enough of the crap to the solution
I can only assume the problem from my point of view running ubuntu server, but I’m sure most of this will apply to other systems. I’m sure with a little tweaking you can use this solution to work for you
here we go.
yes I did shout… the log files are your best friend.
First login as root
sudo su
tail -f /var/www/[your web site]/log/error.log
try uploading the file again and see what turns up, its surprising, the solution may revile its self to you.
Chances are you will get an error similer to this
mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 15728870 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (15728640)
In this case this is very simple to resolve. Open the fcgid.conf file
vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf
It probably reads something like :-
`<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
FcgidConnectTimeout 20
In which case you will need to change it to:
`<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
FcgidConnectTimeout 20
# increase the MaxRequestLen size to something a
# little more than the size of your upload file in this
# case 15MB
MaxRequestLen 15728640
save and exit.
Not finished yet still need to do 2 more tweaks
edit your php.ini file
vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
now find memory_limit =
set Limit to something that will not kill your server I use 24M
memory_limit = 24M
next find post_max_size =
change this to a little more than the largest file you will upload,
in our example 15M so I will use 16M
post_max_size = 16M
Also note, that if your going to be uploading more than one file at a time, this will need to be accounted for. So multiply by the max_file_uploads setting.
For our example test, say max_file_uploads = 10 so 16M X 10 = 160M
post_max_size = 160M
Now set upload_max_filesize = to the file size we decided earlier
upload_max_filesize = 15M
save your changes and reload apache2 server
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
apart from changing some of the other things like creating the uploads folder in the wp-content and not forgetting to change owner and group then changing the permitions to 777 that should work.
Happy uploading
]]>I tested the image link and got this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ocmx_no_posts()
(the whole things says:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ocmx_no_posts() in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/98778/domains/ on line 3)
Any suggestions on how to fix this?