I’ve bought the Photo contest plugin from Ohio Webtech (https://plugins.ohiowebtech.com/?download=wordpress-voting-photo-contest-plugin), I’ve activated the plugin, but I simply can’t make the contest to work on my page.. I think it’s some kind of trouble with my rookie-wordpress-knowledge…
To set up the contest it says that I have to use som shortcode that should be like [showcontestants id=42 postperpage=20 showtimer=1 showform=1]
I’ve changed the id to the id that I use, but it still wont work.
Hope you guys can help! Thanks in advance.
Installed Photocontest plugin 1.5.6 version, the captcha required on vote is DISABLED but still appearing a message everytime anybody votes with the error:
The code you entered incorrect.
The correct tekst was XXXX while you typed XXXX.
Try it again
How it’s possible to apear this message if captcha is disable?
PLEASE: How can i disable completely the captcha system on vote. We have a contest online and people are disgusting because can’t vote.
Any solution?
]]>Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/breedwea/public_html/word/wp-content/plugins/wp-photocontest/view.php:1) in /home/breedwea/public_html/word/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403
This is the plug in i’m using
1. Turn off Captcha in PhotoContest
2. Sort photos “ascending”
3. Do not display number of votes
4. Each vote count as 1 star (eliminate the choice of 1-5 stars)
Thank you in advance!