I have uploaded a gallery of photos and I would like the viewer to share any of the photo he/she likes and share it on social media. How can I add this feature to each of my photo. Do i need to have a seperate plugin? If so please recommend the one that can work with your theme.
The documentation says to go to Optimizer ==> Social ==> Share, however I can only see “Social Links” and no “Share” options
]]>Also wondering why the discussion here isn’t very active? Is BuddyPress still be developed? Is there any place to ask for some assistance?
]]>Currently there are only two plugins (1 paid 1 free) for photo sharing on BuddyPress. Combining the efficiency of a third party photo processing, with the popularity of Instagram and finally the # of BuddyPress networks, could be big!
Just a thought. Thanks
]]>1) In the Pro version, is it possible to control what social media icons to show on the large photo pop-up? What if I don’t want g+1? Can that ve removed?
2) One the large photo pop-up, on the top left side of the content, there is a ‘SG’ logo, where is that logo coming from? from Faceook or the plugin? Can that be changed to my website logo?
3) At the bottom right corner, there is a ‘Social Gallery Plugin’ credit. Can the credit be removed?
4) How does the photo tagging work? Does the plug-in handle the photo tagging?
I need to move forward with the project ASAP, so your quick response to my questions would be highly appreciated.
]]>Is there is any good photo sharing plugin with good features for wordpress out there ?
Many thanks
]]>What’s the best plugin for this?
]]>Thank you in advance.
]]>Here is the site:
And here are some things to ooh and aah about:
wp-prettyphoto plugin – customized post template on digital kits pages to show 1 big thumbnail w/smaller ones below it with lightbox – code for that is on their forum somewhere
s2member plugin – this plugin is controlling everything from the paypal integration to protecting the downloads my site offers and controlling what pages users can see – love it!
simple-press forum – i love this plugin too and their support is awesome
TDO Mini Forms plugin – Members can upload their photos to the gallery on our submit page without going to the dashboard
Custom Post Types – I need to look more into post type taxonomies but for now Nathan Rice’s custom post types plugin is making it so I can use various post templates for different types of posts – ie: one for blog posts, one for scrapbook kits, one for gallery images, etc.
Pre-Publish Reminder: s2member requires a special code for protecting parts of pages, so I installed this one so I can just copy and paste it from the post window instead of having to look it up each time
Top Sliding Login Panel – Found the code for this from Blog-Oh-Blog, if you are not logged in it shows the login box, if you are logged in, it shows all of the members only links like accessing your account and profile information
Related Posts Plugin – shows thumbnails based on tags and categories
WordPress Affiliate Plugin – This one is from tips and tricks hq – integrating it with s2member was tricky – but support was great in helping me get it all setup and now there is a tutorial on that site to do it
Woo Themes Canvas – this is the framework for the theme – customizing was tricky because of their hooks I was not familiar with, but all in all works for now
I am pretty happy with the site and how it turned out and just wanted to share here how I made it and credit all of these amazing plugin & theme authors who helped build it!
And of course I would love to hear your thoughts on the site!