Basically I would like to be able to launch “Lightbox Galleries” from a single image, or Album Cover.
On the link attached, you will 8 logos.
I’d like to open 8 different Lightbox Galleries, when clicking on each logo. (of course each gallery containing different pictures)
I am ok to buy a plugin if needed… as long as the price is reasonable. (no monthly or yearly subscriptions plugins)
But what I’m not ok to buy something, test it and see it doesn’t work.
If someone has a solution for me, or a Plugin Idea. I’m all ears!
Many thanks in advance!
]]>The website I have this plugin installed is for a Photographic Society/Camera Club
The chairman has asked if it is possible to send an email to members when a new album is added.
Is this possible at all?
]]>We cannot follow the google-everywhere procedure to “deactivate ALL plugins” as it is a secured membership site.
So I had to go through each plugin individually via renaming it in ftp.
While doing that I got a better idea: turned on wp-debug log (gets saved in wp-content and NOT displayed on screen when people use this in their config:
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); // Or false
if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
@ini_set( ‘display_errors’, 0 );
(you ONLY need to change the standard “false” to “true” during debugging
Back to wppa: So the debug log shows PLENTY of these:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function exif_tagname() in /…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-exif-iptc-common.php:4251
Could you please correct this before rolling out the next update Jacob?
For the meantime I overwrote the entire wppa folder with the prior version. And promptly the site is back at work
Thank you
]]>??? “should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES”
sessions should end automatically at some point, so is it correct we don’t need to worry about this error?
]]>Why I’ve put the review on hold: I’d like to give your plugin high five later, and give you sth much more valuable immediately: detailed feedback/suggestions.
For a start (cause I am starting with the plugin too):
1) All your ? and sometimes ! help texts are coded to come up with the website’s popup alert box, correct? This permanent clicking to get the box away is…. nerve-wrecking. And if you felt “you don’t need to click to open help in the first place” then I’d counter “if the help texts weren’t needed why have them there?”
So, all other plugin authors (I know of) use different ways for help texts, none uses those popup alerts. I’d guess the most user-friendly way is how Michael Torbert with his very mature “All in One SEO” does it:
– a question mark, tagged “Click for help”
– you have to click it too, yes
– but: the help text shows up right underneath/next to it
– this is clever AND user-friendly because:
– the second-best way (show help on hover) does not allow:
– putting links in
– letting users open up all comments and do a ctrl-f page search
(the “open up ALL comments” is a hint: even he doesn’t have that extra button yet, but should)
2) The current popup alert box code is flawed anyway (I won’t say “error” as I can’t assess that): During the “getting to know wppa+” period … I have the “Settings” page open all the time of course, fully expanded each section, for the reason/tip just mentioned.
And permanently the browser forces me back to the settings page because that alert box popped up AGAIN saying “[website name] says: undefined”.
It doesn’t even say WHAT is “undefined”, so it’s an entirely useless and annoying flaw. Enough said.
3) I do NOT suggest you reorganize all settings (and make them consistent, at the moment many references don’t even match your newest table organization…).
Why NOT suggest it?
A more systematic and intuitive and consistent structure would surely benefit your plugin yes, but: it would waste your time. I don’t want that. Leave that.
4) However, what I would suggest: Get rid of all those “options” that you yourself say “strongly discouraged” and such.
Why waste your (and our) time?
(unless of course, you aimed to win the wp prize for the plugin with the most options? I doubt that)
More to come.
I trust you notice I am trying to help, not criticize. Where it sounds like that, it’s just funny to make it “stick”.
Again, thank you for an amazing labor of love plugin!
]]>Our members like the easy to use interface, smart and efficient.
The support team is responsive and efficient.
I’m trying to reorganize my website’s navigation for portfolio purposes.
I currently have various pages with single galleries to display my artwork, but I am working towards making albums composed of the pages’ content.
I am trying to export selected pages, but when I do so, the media content of those pages are not included. I do not want to download my entire media library because then I would not be able to keep my artwork/photography in the same way that they are organized.
Please help me!
]]>I offer my 200K users the possibility to create their own photo album to upload their dog’s photos. We have over 20.000 albums.
The albums have categories (dog breed).
Is there any plugin that can do this? I have all my users already imported, so now I would need a plugin to import all albums and photos, relate each album to its owner/user, and offer all my new users to create albums and upload their photos.
Could anyone recommend me a solution for this?