First of all : thank a lot for this plugin !!
I was clean my wordpress of severals plugin, when i discovered this one ! It’s seams to be the solution for a lot of problem !
But, if i understand how to used it, I don’t always know if I can deactivate un plugin or not.
For some plugin, it’s seams obvious.
For exemple activate un plugin showing a slide-show on a page this is ok , I Understand. (I want It or not on this page).
What I’m not sure to understand (and so to make the right choices) , is to activate or not pluging witch works “only” on the wordpress backoffice (admin) .
For exemple :
– Akismet : can I deactivate it ? (Even on a page where I have comments ? )
– Broken-link-checker : if I deactivate it on my pages, will it still see broken link on those pages ?
– Wp Google Authorship
– Google XML Sitemaps
– Google Analytics
– Redirection
I wish i can deactivate all those one from my pages (in order to increase the speed of the page) , but i’m not sure i can … (in fact , in not sure of how they works, and how also works this plugin). Thats why i ask for help. Witch one is a good idea to deactivate , witch one is a bad idea ?
PS : sorry for my english
]]>I’ve read that the above lets a volunteer view & review my site.
Entirely ignorant regarding SEO, I’m checking to see if I am accidentally obscuring or hiding my information from anyone who may want to find it.
I’m new to WP… What’s a good philosophy for where to put content that you want the user to be able to update via Admin, but it requires html that you don’t want to change or have the user deal with?
Eg, content that goes in a table, or content of varying formats but all on the same post or page.
I would rather they not have to use the html tab in the Post/Page editor, and certainly not have to edit a template file.
The Visual tab on the post/page editor isn’t sufficient.
I considered creating custom fields, but I think that would likely just add complexity in the long run.
Another idea is just having them use div’s with “standard” id’s for css – eg “about_01” or “contact_01”.
Another concern is that if I go with templates, then I end up with several of them – About, Contact, News, Reels.
Any ideas? Am I making this too complicated (a habit of mine…)?
The NVSounds Blog of Audio, Music, and Philosophy
My first question is, although I’m getting hits, how is my content? Should I have a higher slandered of writing, stick to my topics more?
This first post gives an overview of my purpose.
Second question: How often should I post? Will not posting hurt my online presence?
Any feedback would be appreciated!