best regards,
If I remove the suppress attribute or set it to false, then search works. Problem with that is I do not want a default list of participants shown – results should only be visible when a participant performs a search.
Thoughts on what the problem may be?
]]>This morning, my list template, while still in development, was showing both program_type=’list-online-program’ and program_type=’list-face-to-face-program’ quite nicely when suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, all the program_type=’list-face-to-face-program’ programs became unavailable to the template. When I say ‘unavailable’, I mean no records for these programs were present in a dump of $this->records, while records for the program_type=’list-online-program’ programs were still available. I’ve found that if I use the Participants Database ‘List Participants’ page and simply Submit details of a face-to-face program (without changing these details in any way) then this record does become available to my template. Doing a WordPress cache ‘Purge all’ has no effect.
I’m wondering if you have any explanation as to why I might be seeing this behaviour. Is it perhaps caused by some kind of WordPress or Participants Database (or even MySQL) caching behaviour? In a test setup it’s not a big deal to have to re-submit less than a hundred records, but I wouldn’t like to see such a sudden ‘disappearance’ of records on my list page to occur in a production environment.
]]>One thing puzzles me. I have a field called ‘age_group’ which appears on my signup form for both program types. The ‘Signup’ checkbox is checked for the field, and I have not written any kind of filter which might conceivably have caused it to be removed from the query that ultimately generates the records available on a page with the [pdb_list] shortcode. For example, I have not applied any kind of pdb-list_query_object filter. A call to Participants_Db::get_field_def(‘age_group’)->stores_data() returns true, yet the field does not show up in my PDb_List::_setup_iteration list query, which currently reads:
SELECT, p.how_is_this_program_delivered,, p.address_1, p.brief_note_to_accompany_listing, p.day_program_runs, p.start_time, p.end_time, p.facilitator_1, p.program_type, p.approved, p.address_2, p.organisation_3,, p.organisation_1, p.publication_status, p.date_last_verified, p.role_of_person_who_handles_enquiries, p.organisation_2, p.facilitator_2, p.person_who_handles_program_enquiries, p.phone_number_for_enquiries, p.state FROM 89E_participants_database p ORDER BY p.date_updated DESC
For now I am working around this problem by running a direct wpdb query to retrieve the age_group data for each record whose details I am displaying using a custom template, but I suspect whatever is causing this problem may yet bite me in other ways (I haven’t yet finished implementing my whole setup).
Can anyone give me any hints as to how to troubleshoot this problem further?
]]>I feel kinda stupid for asking this, but I just don’t get it to work that the shortcode [pdb_list] shows anything. I manually added 4 entries to the database and also approved them. I also set up the public list to show everyhting. I still can’t see anything.
I put the shortcode [pdb_signup] on the same page to see that the plugin is working.
Any help appreciated.
]]>2018 there was a similar topic/problem as I experience now: The [pdb_list filter=”field=value”] does not work for me, it always lists all entries. Even adding attributes like search=true or search=”true” or sort=true are ignored.
The interesting part of my message is, that in the same page, just above the listing, I am using [pdb_total filter=”field=value”] with the same (!) filter string – and that always works correctly! Strange.
I tried this with several different fields and different operators in the filter syntax, to no avail. I also asked the debug log and found that the two SQL requests differ only in that that the WHERE clause is missing completely from the pdb_list call, all other parts are the same.
[pdb_total filter=”class=Club”]
[pdb_list filter=”class=Club”]
Resulting SQL queries:
SELECT, p.class, p.wbkz, p.lfz_type, p.first_name, p.last_name,, p.verein FROM xxx_participants_database p WHERE p.class = “Club” ORDER BY p.wbkz ASC
SELECT, p.class, p.wbkz, p.lfz_type, p.first_name, p.last_name,, p.verein FROM xxx_participants_database p ORDER BY p.wbkz ASC
Then I found out that this misbehaviour only happens while using the “Elementor” Editor (which my friend prefers). If I place the shortcodes in a simple page using the block editor, everything works fine!
Did you ever find out on similar occasions why this happens? The shortcodes are using the same filter parameters, on the same page, probably sent a millisecond from eachother, but one works, and the other doesn’t.
Elementor 3.0.14 (
WP 5.5.3
Thanks in advance and best regards,
]]>[pdb_list filter=”telefonbogen=Ja&godkend_opbevaring_af_kontaktinfo_gdpr=Ja&approved=0″ search=true template=flexbox list_limit=180 orderby=vejnavn_fan?,vejnummer_fan? order=asc,asc]
Output now looks like the below, where I have removed the phonenumbers and e-mails) and shows only the 2 first records.
Antal poster ialt: 6 . Viser 180 poster pr. side
Nummer 30
Vejnavn Dalen
Sommerhus navn Tophuset
Fornavn Josefine
Efternavn Bican
Telefon (Prim?r) xxxx
Telefon (Alternativ) xxx
Username [email protected]
Nummer 32
Vejnavn Dalen
Sommerhus navn Abelone
Fornavn Henrik
Efternavn Ovesen
Telefon (Prim?r) xxx
Telefon (Alternativ) xxx
Username [email protected]
I updated to Participants Database Version this morning, an expect this update caused the nice template=flexbox formatting to disappear.
Hope you have a fix or answer to this formatting issue