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]]>So, back to the problem:
Checkout plugin: “WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway”
Product plugin: “Woocommerce Subscriptions”
Core: “Woocommerce”
While trying to buy a subscription product, I receive an error after payment:
“An error occurred while calling the PayPal API.”
(Payment is not going though)
It is visible in Woocommerce -> Subscriptions as a “Pending” subscription.
I asked Paypal:
Does my account support subscriptions,
but they said that it does.
Both of these things I need/can do in a standalone buy now plugin I have used in the past.
]]>I am running Paid Membership Pro on a website, set-up with ‘PayPal Standard’. This is working fine when it comes to setting up the subscriptions. However, when a customer cancels their membership through the website, this does not cancel the PayPal subscription and I receive the following error message via email:
There was an error canceling the subscription for user with ID=. You will want to check your payment gateway to see if their subscription is still active.
Error: You do not have permissions to make this API call.
The customer is then charged if I do not manage to cancel the PayPal subscription in time.
This suggests that there is an IPN issue with the website and PayPal. Is this to do with using PayPal Standard and should I therefore change to PayPal Express? If I do the latter, how will it affect the membership subscriptions that are already in place?
Many thanks in advance!
]]>I have installed your plugin and entered my Paypal API details but when I go to the checkout to make a payment I get the following error:-
SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
When I check the log file the response array is:-
SetExpressCheckout API call failed.
Detailed Error Message:
Short Error Message:
Error Code:
Error Severity Code:
I have the following plugins installed:-
Admin Menu Reorder v.1.1
Advanced Custom Fields Pro v.5.3.0
Advanced Custom Fields: Date and Time Picker v.
Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome v.1.7.1
Advanced Custom Fields: Star Rating v.1.0.1
PayPal for WooCommerce v.
Simple Page Ordering v.2.2.4
WooCommerce v.2.4.10
WordPress v.4.3
Does anybody know why I would be receiving any of these errors?
Any advice would be very appreciated.
]]>Love the plugin, but I’ve recently started using a dual payment gateway with the PMPro Paypal express add-on.
I used to just have Stripe, and had a Zapier Zap which ‘listened’ out for the payment being made, then added the user’s email address to a list in Campaign Monitor.
I figured I could do the same for Paypal, and it does work for manual payments but not PMPro ones as the IPN URL is different when the payment goes through PmPro (obviously to feed back into the plugin that the payment was successful).
The use case is fairly simple… IF user buys level 6, send them a specific welcome email sequence for that level (welcome + upsell sequence of 3 or 4 emails) AND remove them from email offer sequence relating to level 6.
This is done by just adding a custom field via Zapier to their Campaign Monitor record to say ‘Bought’ and the autoresponders won’t send to them, then their email is added to a different list which handles the upsell stuff.
Is there any other way I can ‘grab’ the user’s information using a PMPro webhook ? Ideally I wouldn’t do it via the payment gateways as it’ll get messy with new levels, offers etc, just somehow would like the information of a new member sign up (would only really need their email address, name + level) to be pushed somewhere where Zapier can get it.
Hope that’s clear enough!
]]>I need to know a couple of things:
– Will Payments go through PayPal on PayPals secure line so the customer never sees PayPal button at all? Can it be setup that way?
– will I be charged a foreign exchange fee each month due to you being in Australia?
– When the new members signup and login will they go directly to their registration area and not WP Dashboard? Can they return to edit?
– Can i use the same registration for membership to allow the member to create a directory listing or a classified ad?
– Can it be setup up to different membership levels to allow/disallow different activities (dir list/classified).
I am looking for some direction fairly quickly, i want to change my current plugins as soon as possible.
Thanks …
]]>Have tried the API using curl:
…so the account info is correct.
And I recently upgraded to PHP 5.5 with cUrl 7.38.0.
Server is an AWS EC2 vps.
Please help!