]]>I like your plugin and considering to buy the pro version for features request. I have presale questions:
1. Can the plugin filter by author to show only the author products. And then the author can search the product like usual.
2. Can the plugin use paypal adaptive payment?
Thank you.
]]>The theme/plugin code is not telling PayPal who the primary receiver is, even though I have all the settings in.
Astoundify no longer has a support forum for this on their website (and seems to have locked existing Fundify users from using the forums), there’s no way to Register for IgnitionDeck’s support forum (who are meant to have taken over support), and there is no documentation anywhere that I can see that explains how to fix this issue.
Log data:
{“responseEnvelope”:{“timestamp”:”2014-06-02T19:23:21.091-07:00″,”ack”:”Failure”,”correlationId”:”08bad2b02f05d”,”build”:”10902368″},”error”:[{"errorId":"580023","domain":"PLATFORM","subdomain":"Application","severity":"Error","category":"Application","message":"The fee payer PRIMARYRECEIVER can only be used if a primary receiver is specified","parameter":["feesPayer","PRIMARYRECEIVER"]}]} ”
I have it set up as:
– chained payments
– primary receiver to pay fee
– preapprovals tickbox is checked
– all my paypal settings (API license codes etc) are same as have been used previously
– primary receiver is email supplied within the crowdfunding template.
PayPal has told me The following is the API request PayPal received.
<Payload correlationId=”08bad2b02f05d”>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<senderEmail>[email protected]</senderEmail>
</Payload> “