You specified "never" for when creating the payment Element, but did not pass when calling stripe.createPaymentMethod).
If you opt out of collecting data via the payment Element using the fields option, the data must be passed in when calling stripe.createPaymentMethod().
I believe this issue may be related to having both the Stripe and WooPayments plugins installed.
After removing the Stripe plugin and testing it a few times, everything seemed to work fine. However, recently I encountered the same errors again, but it’s not consistent. Some payments go through with no issues, and then I receive an email from a customer reporting the same issue. Today, I tested it again in “Test Mode” and was able to reproduce it. I switched the logs to debug mode, but found no issues and couldn’t reproduce the issue anymore.
I’m wondering if anyone can provide some pointers or if I’m missing something here.
P.S. I’m using Siteground and have a few Siteground plugins for security and optimization installed.
Thank you,
]]>We received an order email with failed payment.
Normally these orders came through as ‘failed’ however it came through just like a normal order email.
On the website backend it is marked as ‘on hold’ but when we clicked it has payment failure details.
We are on the latest woocommece. version 7.7.2
Updated on 5th June.
The failed order was made on 9th June. Is is a new Woocommerce glitch?
If anyone experience the same thing, please let me know.
Thank you.
]]>Thanks for your help
]]>The error message may be seen in the screenshot below:
If you have input, please advise!
]]>So the payment gateway is not working. Only happens with Stripe. It is not my website, I tried a million things, including disabling all my plugins and switching to the default WordPress theme TwentySeventeen, did not work.
2 days ago it worked fine, I tried to reverse any change I made since then but it does not help. Right now I have it in test mode with the right test API credentials. But I cannot even get test mode to work… It used to be; you fill in the address and customer information, you fill in your card information with Stripe, you pay, you get redirected to my site with an order review (including product, price, and addresses etc of the customer).
I’m using this Woocommerce Stripe Checkout plugin, but I see no one else experiencing problems.
What to do… serious issue for a webshop like me.
Best regards,
]]>2 days ago it worked fine, I tried to reverse any change I made since then but it does not help. Right now I have it in Sandbox mode so customer can’t bother to try, lol. But I cannot even get Sandbox mode to work… It used to be; you get redirected to paypal, you log in, you pay, you see a screen where it shows the payment was successful and you get redirected to my site with an order review (including product, price, and addresses etc of the customer).
Now you log in and pay but the payment is not successful so no order review is seen as well. I’m using the Woocommerce Paypal cCheckout plugin, but I see no one else experiencing problems.
What to do… serious issue for a webshop like me.
Best regards,
]]>In sandbox mode at this point in the transaction a ThreeD Secure verification page pops up and we enter a code and proceed with checkout. On the live site this does not occur. This is on a production site that’s actively trying to sell tickets to an event, so the client is quite concerned. Any information/advice would be helpful.