]]>Thanks in advance…
]]>Please tell me how I can implement the pause when pointing at a photo in my portfolio?
Because now the carousel goes further when the mouse is pointing at the photo.
]]>Something like this: in “Last News” section
Thanks a lot!
]]>Just wondering if Easing Slider provides the feature to pause the slider when hovering over a slide, or if there is way to get it to work that way?
]]>I found a small bug in the slider.
When “pause on hover” is on, only elements with duration set to “all” are paused when the slider is hovered (or most probably, since they are set to “all” they are visible as long as the slide is visible).
Elements with duration set to other than “all” go off screen after the set time even though the progress bar is paused. When you move the mouse cursor away from the slider, the progress bar continues and when it reaches the end the next slider comes as expected.
in the widget. In version 2.0.3 it is on by default. Earlier versions do not have this feature at all, so it was off.
The best solution would be a filter in function widget(...
line 526
After extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
there could be
$args = apply_filters( 'testimonial_rotator_widget_args', $args );
Next I am going to post a fix anyone can apply without hacking the plugin.
to change the cursor when the rotator is paused by hover:
div.testimonial_rotator_widget_wrap div.cycletwo-paused {
cursor: crosshair;
Note sure that’s the best cursor to use. Some others, with cross-browser notes, are here:
]]>Here are two I find users asking for quite often. Add these to your theme’s header.php file before the </head>. You can also add these to your own Javascript files, or even into your footer.php file before the </body>.
Pause slideshow on hover
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.easingsliderlite').on('mouseenter', function() {
$('.easingsliderlite').on('mouseleave', function() {
End automatic playback after all slides have been shown
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var inc = 0;
$('.easingsliderlite').data('easingsliderlite').$el.on('nextslide', function() {
if (inc == $('.easingsliderlite').data('easingsliderlite').count) {
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