I understand the Advanced Custom Fields Pro addon has a media gallery, but the site I am working on already has thousands of images inserted as galleries into the WYSIWYG editor – which is from a legacy build. It would be almost impossible to convert them.
Thanks for you help
]]>The source document looks so:
The pasted text into a preformatted block looks so:
Many parts of the text are completely messed up, like it is happened here in the first part. This trouble happens only when pasting the text in WordPress, nowhere else.
Anyway, the alignment inside of the block goes lost, the color of the text goes lost, the underline goes lost.
The toolbar of the block has no buttons to change color, size, and many other essential settings for the text.
And why there is always an unwanted text header at the begin of the pasted text? It can be much more longer than this:
“@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120% }”
The pasted text into a “classic paragraph” block, using the ‘TinyMCE Advanced’ plugin looks so:
The line spacing and line breaks don’t look as they should. The auto paragraph function can’t be deactivated. I don’t want to break the text in paragraphs at each line return, and I don’t need it.
The font sizes available in the tool bar are prefixed “12, 14, 18, …”, there is not 16.
So, in conclusion there is no way to work with pasting text from a text document. I have to paste text from about 40-50 .odt pages, and I will have to do it often, to keep the pages updated. I don’t know how to solve the problem.
In many forums I have not so big problems when pasting text from a .odt or .docx document.
The standard paragraph block breaks your pasted text in hundreds paragraphs, everywhere the “return” key is hit! There is no way to change this behavior.
The classic Paragraph block, breaks all the spacing in the pasted text.
The preformatted block has practically no formatting buttons on its toolbar. The plugin “TinyMCE Advanced” doesn’t help.
Furthermore, inside of a block you can’t set different text alignment to different rows.
I wonder why the developers simply doesn’t make an option available where the user can decide whether WordPress has to create automatically paragraphs or not.
At the moment WordPress is a nightmare if you need to create pages pasting large portions of text, just simply formatted, from .docx or .odt documents. Also the way back is a pain (copy text from the WP editor and paste into a document)
]]>I copy my text from MS word to WordPress editor. all things are OK but I need more than 6 heading. what should i do?
]]>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
What it looks like once I hit save is:
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.</p>
And yes, I am in ‘visual’ not text. Likewise if I were to try to make, say, fox a hyperlink, what is saved and would be published is:
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.</p>
I run a couple of other WordPress sites for clients and don’t seem to have this problem at all. Any idea how I can get rid of this problem?
]]>This was a major oversight on the upgrade and should be addressed immediately.
]]>Here is a link to a screenprint of what is happening…….