How can i add this ?
]]>Is there a way I can prevent certain characters from being used in the password field like ! and & ?
]]>i consistently face error 403 on login after i using this plugin.
]]>I checked your plugin and it fulfilled most of my requirements, such as Password Strength, Password Expiration. While I would like to suggest a feature, for each account, 1-click to reset all user passwords and send an email warning. Will it have been possible to do this?
We are the password expiry plugin on the website. We are facing some issue suddenly with the plugin feature. The password expiry feature is not working for the specific user on the website. After resetting the password using the link is looping back to the same password reset page. Can you please guide me to fix this issue.
Thanks in Advance,
Thank you for this excellent plugin. Unfortunately I have been experiencing issues with two of my sites with the WordPress iOS app which displays the error message “Blog returned invalid data” which prevents the iOS WordPress app from downloading posts. Other features of the iOS WordPress app such as pages appear to be not affected.
Please find below the error message from the wordpress.log from the iOS WordPress app with extra debugging enabled in the app.
Any suggestions on how to enable this plugin and allow the iOS WordPress app to synchronise posts?
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 [XML-RPC] <
<b>Fatal error</b>
/<path on server>/wp-content/plugins/wordpresspasswordexpiry/pwd-exp.php</b>
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 Blog returned invalid data (URL: https://<doman name>/xmlrpc.php)
<b>Fatal error</b>: Cannot redeclare expire() (previously declared in /<path on server >/wp-content/plugins/wordpresspasswordexpiry/pwd-exp.php:262) in <b>/<path on server>/wp-content/plugins/wordpresspasswordexpiry/pwd-exp.php</b> on line <b>262</b>
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 Error syncing options: Blog returned invalid data.
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 Error syncing post formats: Blog returned invalid data.
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 Error syncing categories: Blog returned invalid data.
2012-12-24 21:49:38 +0000 Error syncing posts: Blog returned invalid data.