Whenever a random user A changes his password, a random user B gets the confirmation email that his password has been changed.
I changed the password for different users and other different users are getting the changed password emails.
I’m using:
Wordpress 5.9.1
Ultimate Member 2.3.1
(I’m using Post SMTP Email Log to check which emails are being sent.)
Has anyone else seen this problem when using Ultimate Member?
I’ve deactivated the Password Changed Email for now, because I don’t want to worry users. They might think that they’ve been hacked or something, because they randomly get an email about their password.
the sent link to the user for “forgotten password” and “retrieving password” does not work. there is a link in the email but it is unclickable and broken. how can i fix this?
the other problem is with the translation of messages and emails. my developer has translated all the messages and emails, but it seems that those are changed to English again. some parts are English and some parts in my own language. how can i translate them permanently?? You know how much it hurts our reputation once it is all changed to English when our clients receive emails and messages…
@userswp @stiofansisland @paoltaia
Best regards
]]>my email for direct contacts: [email protected]
the website: bookilix.ir
In addition, if the user tries to guess their password (incorrectly) 3 times, they get logged out for 9 minutes. Is this amount of time a WP standard or can it be changed for this plugin?
]]>We have a Registration Complete email setup, and this email works great and shows the password just fine in email. The template for this working email is:
Dear {first_name} {last_name}
Your registration is now pending!
Registration details:
Username: {user_name}
Password: {password}Once the team has reviewed and approved your application, you may login to the member area at the following URL:
{login_link}Thank You.
However, using a similar template for the Account Upgrade Notification email, instead of the password, the words “Password: Your current password” are displayed instead. Here is the template for this notification, where the password does not display as needed:
Dear {first_name} {last_name}
Congratulations, your account is now active!
Registration details:
Username: {user_name}
Password: {password}You may login here:
{login_link}Thank You.
Any thoughts or ideas for how we might get the password to display in the Account Upgrade Notification email are most welcome. Thank you for this wonderful plugin.
I have deleted all wp code except wp-content, wp-config.php and .htaccess and then replaced with freshly downloaded code but to no avail.
After years of Joomla! since it was Mambo I started with WP about a week ago. This is my second install (I wrecked the first one trying to move it).
To understand the problem fully, you need to try to register at https://www.ticknalllife.co.uk/wp
Firstly thanks for a great plugin – I use it on intranet and has always been great.
One problem I’m having after updating to 4.3 is users get an email every time they login saying there password has been changed.
I do use the “every time a user logs on successfully update wordpress password to that password” option. This ensures it is synced with A/D always. Have never had the email issue previous.
Have found work arounds to disable the admin notification but not the end user. Can you comment?
]]>My client would like to capture emails and names if possible on Password Protected pages. They are serving as bonus pages containing content for speaking engagements. Is there a way to add this functionality? I can’t seem to find a plugin that will do it.