How can I pass values to another page?
Please help me with this as soon as possible…
]]>Would it be possible (and advisable) for a developer (me) to access the generated PHP code when a form is submitted so I can tweak it? I may also want to make adjustments to the generated database tables as well.
I understand that I can’t hold you responsible for mistakes etc I make with the code, of course, but I simply want to create a form/sub-form relationship:
Art Exhibitor -> Many Art Pieces
I am hosted by GoDaddy, which uses MySQL and PHP.
]]>Let’s say you have page 1 with a form that collects just the email address from a prospect and we need to pass that value and prepopulate another longer form located on page 2.
Can you please help me out, and others that will have this question in the future, with a step by step example on how to implement this? Such as syntax, how to pass the values from page 1 to page 2, how to match the fields and prepopulate the second field, etc
I have read couple of similar topics, but haven’t found the syntax for the short form on page 1 and the article that I found on passing values to another page is written by Contact Form 7 and I am not sure it is complete for the purpose described here.
My point is that it would be very nice to have it all in one place.
Thank you.
]]><label for="timehours">Hour<br><select name="time" id="timehours">
the user then selects the submit button or a link and a contact form pops up (using fancy box)
what i would like to do is grab the selected option and put in the contact form. either as part of the message or as a seperate field.
is this possible?
]]>Now for my problem, I have a very short first part form of a two step form which also has a hidden field which I would like to pass on to another hidden field in the step 2 form. All the other fields pass nicely but not the hidden field.
As an alternate solution, which might be better, would be if I could use a the value from a custom field on the first part form page as what is input into the hidden field on the second part of the form – would be ideal.
You can find the first form here:
Thanks for your help and great plugin.
]]>In my page i want to display like.. i have a date field textbox in which i will select a date.. and according to that date, get the data(for the submit time) from the contact form db and display the rows according to the selected time.. please help
[contact-form-7 id=”365″ title=”date” onselect=”details(this.value)”]
function details()
$id= $_POST(Date);
echo $id;
[cfdb-datatable form=”testform” show=”Name,Email” filter=”submit_time=$id”]