Thanks for creating and supporting this plugin.
The option “Click on the row to see the participants list” is not working on front end. At the back end is showing all participants in different meetings. Any idea what could it be?
WP 5.8 | Avada 7.4.1
]]>I find
Allow Participants to close their own topics
Allow Participants to trash their own topics
Allow Participants to trash their own replies
they are very useful!
But I have a question, is it able to set :
Allow Participants to EDIT their own topics?
Thanks ~~
]]>I’m currently looking for the following:
I would like to offer an event where participants have to register but to do so – they have to go to a specific link (it is a form/test) and have to do that first in order to register for the event.
Is this possible in any way? It would like to use a form but I guess this is to challenging, right?
I would highly appriciate any suggestions.
]]>So what I want. User A use User B username id in that form email will be picked from the database against that username and will be added as recipients.
Inshort users use their username for contact while system will get their Email from backend and deliver email to them
Please help me in this matter .i will be very thankful to you
]]>Course participants name, surname & email are captured during the checkout along with other billing information.
When I view the order thru API the participants information comes like this in JSON object
“meta_data”: [
{ “id”: 31259, “key”: “_registrations_order_meta”,
“value”: “a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:\”date\”;s:88:\”Master Bartending Course: 1-Week – {\”type\”:\”range\”,\”dates\”:[\”2018-01-29\”,\”2018-02-02\”]}\”;s:12:\”participants\”;a:2:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\”name\”;s:6:\”Student Name1\”;s:7:\”surname\”;s:8:\”Student Surname1\”;s:5:\”email\”;s:26:\”[email protected]\”;}i:1;a:3:{s:4:\”name\”;s:7:\” Student Name 2\”;s:7:\”surname\”;s:8:\” Student SurName2\”;s:5:\”email\”;s:26:\”[email protected]\”;}}}}”
Is there any better way to read the participants names? Something like this
“id”: 31259,
“key”: “_registrations_order_meta”,
“course”: “Master Bartending Course: 1-Week –“,
“varationid:” “12345”,
“firstname:”: “Student Name1”,
“surname” : “Student Surname1”,
“email:” : “[email protected]”
Is there anyway I can extract in API beautify/readable format?
]]>We are running WP 4.8.1 on PHP7.0 .
We did a scan of this plugin using PHP Compatibility Checker, and found some possible incompatibilities, shown below.
We have supplied these to you in case there is a problem.
If these are a problem, and you know that this plugin is fully compatible with PHP7, then it would be helpful to add this plugin’s name to the PHP compatibility whitelist.
]]>Name: Participants Database
FILE: /home/WebSiteName/public_html/wp-content/plugins/participants-database/vendor/aux-plugin-update/vendor/ParsedownLegacy.php
1412 | ERROR | Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will be evaluated strictly in left-to-right order since PHP 7.0. Use curly braces to remove ambiguity.
I want to know if it is possible to have a database with several groups of participants and associated editors. In example, I want to group participants using their “City” field. Then I will create a WordPress user that can have viewing and editing capabilities for each of the cities (but only one of them) and an administrator to access them all.
Example: A workers union wants a website to archive their members in each city, and have an admin for every city. Headquarters can access all.
Thank you for your time!
]]>Please enter a correct name to participant #1
Please enter a correct email to participant #1
Even after having added an enrollee name and email on the checkout page.
I looked at the Github code, and wouldn’t these lines be if (empty...
instead of if ( !empty...
in class-wc-registrations-checkout.php, lines 119-127:
for( $i = 1; $i <= $qty; $i++, $registrations++ ) {
// Check if field is set, if it's not set add an error.
if ( ! empty( $_POST['participant_name_' . $registrations] ) ) {
wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( 'Please enter a correct name to participant #%u ', 'registrations-for-woocommerce' ), $registrations ) );
if ( ! empty( $_POST['participant_email_' . $registrations ] ) ) {
wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( 'Please enter a correct email to participant #%u ', 'registrations-for-woocommerce' ), $registrations ) );
It is adding the first name and email address to the Woocommerce Order in the orders screen.