I have Paid Members Subscriptions installed also which adds a user role of subscriber but that shouldn’t effect anything as the subscriber still has the role of ‘Participant’.
This (Participant) role is allowed to upload attachments in the settings menu, but when logged in as a ‘Participant’ I can’t see the add attachment feature?
However the admin ‘Keymaster’ can see the attachments features.
Please can someone help me?
]]>Would it be possible to have the option to prevent registrations from using using the same email for multiple participants?
So each product type in the cart should require a unique email per participant.
]]>Thanks for any help.
]]>I want all new topics or responses to be moderated, and when accepted, the topic or response author (participant role, not moderator role) receives a notification of approval on their email address.
Is it possible ?
Thanks !
]]>Now I want to add and display ATTENDEEs which looks like this in the ICS-file:
So on the website it should display “JohnDoe” as participant, except it does not. The column is empty.
Interestingly enough, when I use “Attendee-counts” it correctly displays the number (in brackets).
When I change “PARTSTAT” to “ACCEPTED” in ICS-file (yes, I am aware of the parameters!), then it shows “unknown” on the website.
Any ideas how to display the names of the attendees (no matter their status)?
Under “Specify fields to show:” it tells me: “Requires add-on for more than basics.”
Do I need that? Where do I get that?
[pdb_total filter=”skyldig=Ja” fields=”skuld”]
It used to return the sum of all numbers in the field “skuld” of all posts that have field “skyldig” set to “Ja”
Now the following error text appears:
Fatal error: Cannot access protected property PDb_Record_Item::$values in /customers/4/1/7/nykopingfrisksport.se/httpd.www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/participants-database/templates/pdb-total-default.php on line 28
Note that [pdb_total filter=”skyldig=Ja”] still works and returns number of posts with field “skyldig” containing “Ja”.
For example see: https://nykopingfrisksport.se/medlem/medlem-test/