I want to charge paid annual memberships on our club site (a small club and I am trying not to over capitalise the grunt on the software front – otherwise I would have gone with iMIS).
But when I install the plugin I find that Woocommerce requires Woocommerce Subscriptions addon to set up the Product Type I need.
WooSubscription is $199 the WooPlugin to integrate Ultimate Member is $40. I feel a bit ripped off.
So I go hunting to see if there is a work around or solution and blow me down in Pre-purchase sales support I find that you don’t actually recommend Woocommerce – you “recommend using Restrict Content Pro” which comes in at $99.
Why isn’t this in your addon list? Why is the only commerce plugin one that is a bit bait and switchy?
Is there a way to create annual automated renewals for membership subs or do I have to either succumb to Woo’s randsome or do I need to throw it out and get Restrict Content? Or is there another way?
]]>I’ve set up your plugin and got everything working quite nicely…
domainname.com.au/login is the Members login
BUT I now cannot log in easily into our WP Admin area as Administrators.
When I try to login to the domainname.com.au/wp-admin ADMIN Dashboard that I log into as normal ADMIN it now redirects to the NEW PAGE domainname.com.au/login
which is a major pain.
HOW can I have ADMIN still logging in normally to the backend ..
My ONLY solution I found was to initially log into the domainname.com.au/login
THEN manually type in domainname.com.au/wp-admin once I’m logged in, I can get into ADMIN Backend …
This is a major pain, NOT sure HOW to fix it..
Please advise.
Maybe I have missed a setting or something.
Please advise urgently
I have installed and configured your Membership plugin and is working quite well.
So I have created a LOG OUT button on the main MENU which directs to ttps://domainname.com.au/login and THEN You have the LOG OUT Button on this page …
I notice when my TEST MEMBER logs out of their Membership account from that screens, it redirects them to the backend of WordPress https://domainname.com.au/wp-login.php which I don’t like.
The login screen with your Membership plugin is https://domainname.com.au/login which is great … Therefore I would just like it when the MEMBER Logs Out, that it just stays on this page instead and NOT redirect to backend of WordPress …
This should be easily achievable I assume.
How can I achieve this please ?
My client site has eCommerce website & small Membership page.
Membership is adding in manually only
No payments received
Simple membership page that’s it.
As there are now 2 Login pages … with Your plugin Login Page (for Members) & WordPress General My Account Login Page for ecommerce customers.
What if a Member logins into the standard MyAccount page within WOrdpress that is for eCommerce client logins (instead of the Members page) ?
OR what if a Non Member logs into your “LOGIN PAGE” which is supposed to be for Members ?
Within WordPress I have created a User Role called Membership
And within your Plugin I have created a Membership called “TEST MEMBERSHIP”
So when an eCommerce customer who already has already logged into the website previously, tries to LOGIN to the MEMBERS LOGIN, will the system recognise that they are NOT part of the “TEST MEMBERSHIP ” and then will NOT show the relevant pages that ONLY Members are allowed to see ?
Please advise rather urgently if you have a moment.
How to REDIRECT to particular page after Login rather than to MyAccount page
Is there a way to have Members after they login to be redirected to a particular Page like a page I have created called “MEMBERS DASHBOARD” RATHER than be automatically sent to the Membership-Account page please ?
My Members do NOT need to go direct to the Members Account page, rather I need them redirected to a Particular Membership Dashboard page I have created.
Is this achievable and HOW can I achieve this please ?
There may be a setting but I could not locate it ?
So I have added a New Member manually via the Users tab, and then created the Membership for that new User.
That works.
I only have SIMPLE requirement for my Client site for Simple Membership only.
They ONLy have 1 page for MEMBERS to view Videos.
And No payment required.
AND Admin will be ADDING in New Members Manually (so NO registration form).
That’s basically my requirement.
I have a question about the membership-account page that is standard.
It uses the code [pmpro_account] and I see all the details that shows on this page.
There is some information we DON’T need viewed, HOW can I remove some of this information?
* View All Membership Options we need to REMOVE
* And the CANCEL Membership button we need to REMOVE
Is this achievable ? Where do I find the TEMPLATE to edit this please?
Are there shortcodes that can be found, so maybe then I can just create a New Membership Account minus the INFO that I don’t need ?
But I still need the bottom section that says “MY ACCOUNT” that shows the Customers Details, email , Username
AND I still need the bottom section that has “EDIT PROFILE” and “CHANGE PASSWORD” and “LOG OUT”
Is this achievable please and HOW can I do this ?
I assumed it would be easy. And I hope the PAID Plugin is NOT required for this feature?
Thanks in advance for your help. I like your plugin.
I just need to be able to ADD new members manually for a new Membership that I have added.
It allowed me to add with Email address, but NO Full Contact Details & Address & Phone number. We need simple contact details of a Member if we are adding them.
How can I achieve this ?
We DO NOT require any payment for Membership
We will ONly be uploading Instructional Videos ONLy to the Membership page.
Quite a simple membership with no payments.
Do we have to LINK videos via YouTube I assume as uploading whole videos into wordpress can be huge ?
We need to RESTRICT certain pages ONLY so ONLY those members see it.
Could you confirm HOW you AVOID google picking up these additional new Members pages and AVOID it being picked up in Google Spiders and ranking these pages ?
How can this be avoided ?
THanks Kristin