The actual scenario is the external web page is actually a phpbb forum. I envisage my users spending most of the time on my site using it but I want to make it easy for them to leave the forum and go to other areas. Joomla used to have a thing called a ‘wrapper’ which would do it perfectly.
My site uses Divi so I could use their page builder or just use a usual wordpress page.
I have found an extension called ‘Pageview’ that might do it but I wondered if there was a simple way that I have not thought of.
Many thanks for any ideas
How may the full content of a given Page can be inserted within a Post (or a Page)?
Is there a friendly plugin to do it?
]]>I am currently working on a website section where it is dedicated to redirect users to an existing page and giving them a glance of the first paragraph of the second page.
Here are the specific points of my question:
– Name of the page is ‘Mobile Team’; Mobile Team has a paragraph explaining its mission/purpose and following there is a list of the 6 most recent posted sites that contain Slideshow presentations, each site having a sentence or two giving a description of the presentation as well.
-Both sites have their Post Type as Page, not Post.
-Mobile Team is not the parent page as the presentations are from other sections like Consulting, Faculty, etc from the main website.
-The issue I have is not related to the content of the presentation sites, but rather on how I can display the title of the site with its description paragraph and a MORE tag within the Mobile Team Page WITHOUT making those sites into the children pages of Mobile Team.
If you would like me to describe more my specifications I would gladly give more detail. I am open to use any solution from editing the php files to just add a neat plug-in.
Thank you everyone for your time, and I hope to hear a response in the near future.
]]>I wanna create a page within a page like in plugin repository. ( has different sub page like Description, Installation, FAQ, Screenshots, Changelog etc all loading under a single page.
How can i do this.
Please help me.
How can i create a page within in a page like in wordpress plugin description page. It consists of description, installation, FAQ, Screenshots etc all loading within a page.
I’m not asking about child pages.
Please help me.