My current woocommerce cart and checkout pages (that are not editable in elementor pro) is stretched out to the fullest wifth.
Does anyone knows how i can edit the page / content padding?
On all three views? Computer, tablet and mobile?
Alternatively, i created woocommerce templates but i have no idea how to apply the templates onto the woocommerce pages.
Thanks, appreciate the help.
]]>I have a problem: actually, on all pages, there is a padding on the left and right side. But the index site ( has no padding or margin. How can I make every site look like the others? =
Cheers and thanks for the help!
]]>My pages are set to full width but they are not actually full width. I am not sure why I still have padding on my pages. I did remove the side bar, but I am unable to show the sidebar only in the blog.
From 768px to 991px my logo and the nav-menu are overlapping. I am trying to make the menu button float on the right and logo on the left without the background color.
Also I would like to set my menu style for 992px to 1024 to the same as the full size menu.
Does anyone have any advice?
]]>In my attempt to create language specific menus for my pages i added the following to functions.php
register_nav_menus( array(
'secondary' =>__('Secondary Menu','sydney'),
'thirdiary' =>__('Thirdiary Menu','sydney'),
'fourthiary' =>__('Fourthiary Menu','sydney'),
) );
my question now is how do i replace the main menu with these other menus on specific pages?
]]>issue with page (container) padding when (actually) using with generatepress:
gp is set to ignore the padding settings of page builders due to full width content ability (which is good thought). but elementor then uses the setting for page width of gp without padding left and right (consequently right) – which means that one have to set that for every single section manually to fit into given layout, which is partially a horrible amount of work. otherwise you would have content (e.g. text) float right to the screen edges when under the set container width (mainly on mobile), which is ugly.
same thing basically for upper and below padding, which you cannot set globally for sections (but which you need throughout a page to optain optical spaces).
what i recommend (as kind of urgend whish) is that one could set padding and container-width globally for all pages with elementor sidewide or (/better ‘and’) optional per page.
from my side i regard this a quite elementary option which is sadly missing by now.
any chance to get that soon??
]]>1. I am using your WP Car Manager plugin on the Elegantbiz2 theme.
The car detail page has no padding on the left hand side which means it doesn’t display well.
Here is the link to a page I have created so you can see for yourself:
Can this be fixed?
2. The Email Us button just opens a new tab.
The Call Us button opens a Launch Application box.
I need these to work on a desktop or to have the option to turn them off. Will that be possible?
3.It would be great if I could also have the choice of a button that would open a contact form.
4. Would it be possible to just put in the year of the car and not the month?
Thanks so much. I think it is a great plugin – just what I was looking for and if I could solve the issues above it would be perfect