Can you help?
]]>I use Advanced Custom Fields throughout my site, and those on blog posts are different from those on pages. The simplest way – it seems to me – to indicate something is a blog post is, in search results, to do something like:
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$blog = a_blog_only_acf_field;
$themeta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $blog, TRUE);
if($themeta != '') {
echo 'This is a blog';
Am I referencing an ACF field in the wrong way? Or is there an easier way to identify if something is a page or a post?
]]>The concept seems simple, but after three weeks I’m confused. Not sure whether to just make a new PAGE every week (with no actual post) or create a new POST each week, or what… I’m using the Themify ‘Basic’ theme which includes the Themify Builder tools.
1. I want a STATIC front page – the Home page for my site.
2. The static front HOME page contains a single post.
Or maybe I don’t need an actual POST… Maybe just the image and text.
3. The presentation format is very simple:
a) large featured image
b) a text paragraph below the image
c) visitor comments below the text paragraph
4. Each week I’ll create a new PAGE (or new post?).
That new PAGE will then appear as my static front HOME page, replacing last week’s HOME page.
Apparently there’s no SEO benefit whether I create a PAGE or a POST, so I’d prefer to just create the PAGE, without a post. Okay?
Here’s a LINK to a mockup of Week 1, then Week 2 and so on…
Do Visitor Comments attach to the PAGE, or to the POST?
6. When last week’s PAGE (or post?) is replaced, that PAGE (or post?) still needs to appear in:
a) A Gallery – 12 thumbnail images, each linked to its original page (or post?)
b) Archive by Year/Month
c) ‘Recent Posts’ list
d) Searches by Category and Tag
So far, I’ve just been duplicating the existing HOME Page (using that ThemeBuilder function), renaming that copied page to suit my intended *next* HOME Page, and then using Dashboard > Settings > Reading to specify that *next* HOME Page to be displayed on the Static Front Page.
Front page displays: A STATIC PAGE (select below)
Front page: (I just choose the intended *next* HOME page)
Then I modify my Main Navigation Menu so it’s HOME link points to my *next* HOME Page.
It seems to work for my LocalHost experiments, BUT IS THERE A BETTER WAY?