Do you know how I can do this?
]]>I cant see a setting to stop this, what should I edit or set?
]]>Everything works before I connect JetPack to but ‘wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page’ stops loading for everyone except Admisnistrators. Why?
]]>I am losing hope!
Please help!
]]>I am using the theme Twenty Twelve. The URL is
The URL of the blog page is:
I am currently working in Google Chrome.
I have tried to troubleshoot by examining content.php, content-page.php, and index.php. However, I don’t know where to insert PHP code to call for an entry-header above the blogroll of posts, without accidentally inserting a duplicate entry-header on all the other pages.
]]>coming from this great discussion in the Customizr forum Page of Posts containing just one Category, then another Page by Category and using Rocco’s great template I just realized that when pagination is needed in my case more than 10 posts the page 2, 3, etc. give me a 404. Any help much appreciated as I am not good enough yet to figure this out by myself.
When analyzing which template is used on page 2 I can see it falls back to the index.php template while before pagination it uses this page-of-posts.php template (see code below).
* Template Name: Page of Posts
/* Configuration */
$design_layout = 'alternate'; /* or alternate */
$show_page_title = true; /* or false */
$show_page_content = true; /* or false */
$number_of_posts = 0; /* -1 stays for unlimited, 0 will use the Maximum number of posts per page settings */
/* bind a page to a category*/
$page_category = array(
// page_id => cat_id
'7' => '3',
'40' => '11',
'426' => '11'
/* will be overridden by the setting Show metas in home (if true) if you display this tempalate in home */
$show_posts_metas = false; /* or false */
/* query parameters here: */
$tc_posts_page_template_the_query = array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => $number_of_posts ? $number_of_posts : get_option('posts_per_page'),
/* End of configuration */
if ( array_key_exists( get_the_ID(), $page_category ) )
$tc_posts_page_template_the_query = array_merge( $tc_posts_page_template_the_query, array( 'cat' => $page_category[get_the_ID()] ) );
/* are we displaying this template in home? TODO handle pagination properly */
if ( get_queried_object_ID() == get_option( 'page_on_front' ) && get_option('show_on_front') == 'page' ){
/* display headings */
if ( method_exists('TC_headings', 'tc_set_post_page_heading_hooks') ) {
add_filter('tc_display_customizr_headings', '__return_false');
TC_headings::$instance -> tc_set_post_page_heading_hooks();
$_page = get_query_var('page') ? get_query_var('page') : 1;
if ( 'alternate' == $design_layout )
add_filter('tc_post_list_controller', '__return_true');
add_filter('tc_is_grid_enabled', '__return_true');
add_filter('tc_grid_do', '__return_true');
if ( $show_page_title )
add_action('__before_loop', 'print_page_title', 0);
if ( $show_page_content )
add_action('__before_loop', 'print_page_content', 0);
if ( $show_posts_metas )
add_filter('tc_show_post_metas', '__return_true');
add_filter('tc_content_headings_separator', '__return_false');
function print_page_title(){
<header class="entry-header">
<h1 class="entry-title"><?php echo apply_filters('tc_the_title', get_the_title() ); ?></h1>
<hr class="featurette-divider __before_content">
function print_page_content(){
<header class="entry-header">
<div class="entry-content-page"><?php echo apply_filters('tc_page_content', the_content() ); ?></div>
<hr class="featurette-divider __before_content">
add_action('__before_loop', 'tc_posts_page_template_query', 1);
add_action('__after_loop', 'tc_posts_page_template_reset_query', 9999);
function tc_posts_page_template_query() {
global $wp_query, $tc_posts_page_template_the_query, $_page, $paged;
$paged = $_page ? $_page : $paged;
$wp_query = new WP_Query(
array_merge( $tc_posts_page_template_the_query, array('paged' => $paged) )
function tc_posts_page_template_reset_query(){
global $wp_query, $wp_the_query;
$wp_query = $wp_the_query;
]]>Please help!
]]>Instead of current page of posts (that shows full posts from newest to oldest, with featured image), I would like to have a page of posts, where only Title, featured image and short excerpt is shown for each post. I.e. only brief summaries of each blog posts would be on this page.
I am quite new to WordPress, so I don’t know, where to start searching for help!
Thank you in advance…
]]>I want to create various Pages which have Sliders at the top (and possibly some other static content) and then posts from a specific category below. It seems that the best way to do this would be with Page Templates, and specifically Page of Posts.
I have found this link
Which looks like what I want. It says I need to adapt it for the HTML structure of my theme – which where I run into problems.
I am struggling to work out how much of the code listed I need to paste into a copy of the custom-page.php of the Customizr theme, and whereabouts I need to paste it! My uneducated guesses (first attempts at playing with code for over 10 years!) have so far either yielded white screens or not shown my posts. Any help would be gratefully received….
My work-in-progress site is
]]>I’d like to have the landing page/front page/home page be the page titled “blog.” I’d like the page titled “blog” to be a page of posts. Also I would like the titles of the posts to show but I do not want the titles of the other pages to show.
So far I’ve managed to make the page you get when you go to the URL show the posts with titles. I’ve gotten rid of the page titles…but with them go the post titles…
Here’s the site.
Thanks. Super frustrated!