add_action('admin_head', 'custom_dashboard_css');
function custom_dashboard_css() {
echo '<style>
.fixed .column-search_exclude {
display: none;
]]>The first pages created up until 2018 are in proper order alphabetically (there was a 2+ year gap as I wasn’t working with the site).
However – everything I’ve done since, keeps going to the BOTTOM of the page admin section, by date first, THEN alphabetical.
I need it ALL alphabetical as all of my other sites are. I have no idea what changed, and it’s only this site (and the only theme I’m using has nothing to do with the admin panel).
Thoughts on how to fix this?
]]>I am unable to change pages on the listing page. I am stuck on the first page and once I click the next page, it goes back to the first page. I’m sure this isn’t a very big issue. I like the plugin very much and I don’t want such a small issue to be the issue.
Any help to fix this would be appreciated.
Thank you
]]>I’m sure the code exist already but I can’t find it anywhere.
For now am using the below code to list all the pages and return the PAGE ID… But when I come back to my page with this drop down list it always shows the “Select Page” option it doesn’t return the page title…
Can anyone help me in the good direction?
<select name="page_selection">
<option value=""><?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Select page' ) ); ?></option>
$pages = get_pages();
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$option = '<option value="' . $page->ID . '">';
$option .= $page->post_title;
$option .= '</option>';
echo $option;
]]>What they would like to do is have a page that lists all of the stylists, sorted first by state (with headings) and then alphabetically by name. Ordinarily this is the type of request that I enjoy digging into and finding the perfect solution. Unfortunately so far nothing I’ve tried works in a way that will make it simple for the client to add new stylists without doing extensive code or rearranging in a table to keep this listing of stylists current. I’ve tried using the same ‘page-list’ plugin mentioned above but with different parameters to show stylist images and titles only (no bio info) but the sorting was in columns top to bottom vs. horizontally and the parent state page heading didn’t seem to work properly. Alignment was also difficult to adjust using CSS because that state parent page used a spot but didn’t include a featured image. For now I’ve removed the shortcode for that option but could easily add it back to a hidden page if someone thinks this might be the best solution and could work with some adjustments.
I also tried using a plugin called ‘AutoNav Graphical Navigation and Gallery Plugin’ but could not get the stylists pages to come up at all, only the parent state pages. I could re-add the shortcode for this solution as well to a hidden page and link to it here if someone knows what I might be missing to include the stylist page info there.
In the past we’ve used two different methods. Current method is a US map with links to each state page. The response to this option hasn’t been great from the stylists themselves so the client is looking to go back to something more along the lines of what the previous stylist listing looked like, which you can view HERE. The drawbacks of the original page was difficulty updating the table as new stylists were added and even more difficult to sort stylists alphabetically by state.
Ideally I would love to find a solution where the client can add a new stylists bio page, select a parent page for the state that stylist is located in, assign a featured image and the rest would be automated as far as that new stylist appearing on both their state specific listing as well as the main stylist listing page. What I’m looking for would work similarly to how portfolio pages work for posts. I think maybe I’m at that point where I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole trying to force various solutions to work and just need an outside (and more expert) perspective. I’m hoping maybe I’m just missing an obvious solution that someone here in the forum could point me in the direction of. Would appreciate any suggestions SO much.
]]>I am doing some A/B testing and some pages have the same title, but a different URL.
Also I may experiment from time to time with a different title. I know all my pages by URL and would prefer to see this in the list of pages.
]]>By default, WordPress shows “All” the posts, including the private ones, drafts, etc.
I’d like to change this default behavior so that when clicking the “All Posts” or “All Pages” and so on the admin is redirected to the Published posts / page listing. We have a lot of drafts and we want to keep them for future use but it might take a while until we use them again and i don’t want them there cluttering the list.
Thank you very much,