I have a WP Show Posts grid set up on my homepage to show the most recent posts, and on my Page Speed Insights results it gives me the following error regarding the featured images that are being pulled for the Show Posts grid:
Image elements do not have explicit width and height
Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. Learn more
Any tips on how to fix it? I do have the image sizes set in the show posts settings…
]]>Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as <code>passive</code> to improve your page's scroll performance. Learn more.
Image elements do not have explicit width and height
Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. Learn more
Failing Elements
<img class="ti-logo-fb" src="https://cdn.trustindex.io/assets/platform/Trustpilot/logo.svg" alt="Trustpilot">
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy 6 resources found
A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page. Learn more.
Read about Browser Caching in WordPress.
Cache TTL
Transfer Size
5 KiB
5 KiB
5 KiB
]]>I am having problems with deferring WP Google Maps map images. I am using a3Lazy Load plugin for lazy loading all images on my website. Unfortunately WP Google Maps images are loaded by Google Maps common.js which is why they are unaffected by a3Lazy Load.
So I tried to async/defer .js files related to WP Google Maps with Autoptimize and Async JavaScript but it obviously isn’t working since all Google Maps scripts and images are still loaded as non-deferred.
I appreciate suggestions and directions to help me solve this problem.
It’s just a WP core smiley, any ideas what to do about reducing the size? (I can’t find out exactly where it is on the site, it’s not on my server etc.)
as of now:
mobile is : 54/100
desktop is : 63/100
However I found today that this one plugin takes 18 points off my Google Page Insights score for desktop. This seems to be mostly because every other image is optimised but I can’t optimise these, at least not the way I normally do it.
Is there a way around this you know of? Thanks
]]>I have used EWWW to optimise all my images, which is great, however when I run a google insight for some reason the mobile results say I could further optimise and save 1.1mb’s the Desktop resluts say my images can be optimized by only 71kbs
Any idea why i’m getting such terrible results on the mobile view?
Page Insight Results
]]>I bulk optimized all my images both my media library and everything else, and my page insights for google is still not showing images as optimized. Every time I try to change my settings on google adsense it can’t even load them because it says it is too slow and I need to optimize the images.
site url: https://www.ohthesimplejoys.com
Debug Log: https://pastebin.com/Sd4ETQx4
Thanks so much!