It would be more useful as a sidebar menu if the Widget Title could link to the top level page which the subnav is based upon.
Environmental Health <— header links back
– Camping
– Food Establishments
– Mobile Home Park
– Public Water Supplies
– Rabies and Animal Bites
This could simply be a checkbox that makes that turns the feature on and off.
Another option would be to allow only one level deep of sub-pages. So instead of the following:
Environmental Health
– Camping
– – Children’s Camping
– Food Establishments
– Mobile Home Park
– Public Water Supplies
– – Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches
– – Septic
– Rabies and Animal Bites
– Residential Lead Paint Assessments
– Realty Subdivision Review
– Tanning Facilities
It would just show:
Environmental Health
– Camping
– Food Establishments
– Mobile Home Park
– Public Water Supplies
– Rabies and Animal Bites
– Residential Lead Paint Assessments
– Realty Subdivision Review
– Tanning Facilities
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0");
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0");
if ($children) { ?>
<?php echo $children; ?>
<?php } ?>
which is listing the pages nicely, but in some time, that list is going to get too long. Any way to limit it to the latest 15?
The order is supposed to be as follows:
White Belt
> 1st Level (Preliminary)
>> About Bowing
>> Bowing Techniques
> White Promotional Requirements
> White Promotional Testing
Yellow Belt
Instead it’s showing up in some wacky order. I’ve already got it set to page order in the plugin so I’m not sure exactly what is wrong…
]]><?php get_page_children( $page_id, $pages ) ?>
So the question: How do I specify the Parent page_id in a sidebar separate from the actual page?
]]>I don’t do any fancy HTML code modification, but according to the wordpress template I shouldn’t have to for this basic page organization function.
I also downloaded a few page organization widgets and they haven’t helped the situation.
Can anyone explain how the page children actually work and why I can’t find them on the parent page navbar?
Please help