This was the main reason why I downloaded your plugin in the first place and was using it for years, as it is to me the most useful function.
Unless there is something wrong with my plugin (bug?), it looks like greed has taken the better of you – the more you have the more you want – as you have been consistently cutting back to the bone the functions of your free plugin. What happened with the generosity of sharing to help others? You can still keep your bells and whistles for the premium version.
Or – just leave the free one altogether and sell only premium.
Without the functionlities cut back to the bone your plugiun is of little value or use to me now, and frankly, I don’t intend to pay an annual licence fee for every plugin I have – I would go broke!
So unless that’s an error – I will remove your plugin and get something else that will be more useful to me.
PLease advise.
]]>I saw that i’m not the only one to have this issue, and i think i did all that you preconize to do (my plugin version is 4.9 actually) :
– Admin > SEO > Dashboard > Features: Is the keyword analysis feature enabled? YES
– Admin > Users > Your Profile: Is the SEO analysis feature UNchecked? YES
– i disabled all my plugins except Yoast
– i switch to freshly installed Twenty seventeen …
The problem stay the same.
I really appreciate that you could help because this plusgin is just the best of its category !
Thanks a lot, best regards.
]]>Is there a problem with the wpseo_use_page_analysis filter in the latest version of the plugin? I’ve got the code below in my functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘wpseo_use_page_analysis’, ‘__return_false’ );
But the SEO and Focus KW columns, as well as the traffic lights and content analysis section in individual posts, still remains.
]]>If you combine resolutions from others and debug it yourself you can find a resolve or at least a temporary one.
OK, this is what I did about this issue:
If you cant see the page analysis I found out it was an CSS issue for me. SO, what I did was inspect the element using Firefox tool to locate the class name which was .wpseoanalysis also saw that it had a table system in it with tr.
Combine them and adding a bit of code in the function.php file of the theme it was resolved. I could see the Page Analysis again.
Code I found:
Apply Custom CSS to Admin Area
add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_fonts');
function my_custom_fonts() {
echo '<style>
body, td, textarea, input, select {
font-family: "Lucida Grande";
font-size: 12px;
Add this to your themes function.php file. The code below not above. Make sure you backup the file beforehand just in case you need to re-upload because you copied or missed something. Always backup first so you can re-upload old version of function.php file if something goes wrong.
My Code for the fix:
/////////////////////////////////////// Temporary Fix for this Yoast Issue StyleSheet ///////////////////////////////////////
add_action('admin_head', 'my_fix_yoast');
function my_fix_yoast() {
echo '<style>
.wpseoanalysis tr {
display: block !important;
]]>My page is here:
When you view source, you’ll see that the keyword phrase “plant identification” is in the H2 tag on line 569 as well as in the image Alt tag on line 562, but the Page Analysis is showing those are not present.
Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.