You can see the difference in this two pages for example:
Original language:
This happens in all the translated pages.
Looks like the translated pages are loosing padding (css). It’s so strange!
Help please!
]]>I want to remove the padding left and right (keeping only the top and bottom) in the UI settings for the core paragraph block (screenshot here:, but I can’t find a way to disable the left and right options.
I did try setting padding to false in the theme.json file, but it hides the entire padding UI. How can I remove left/right, keeping only top/bottom?
]]>Is there a way to add the ‘Dimension’ Properties, such as margin, padding (screenshot, to the built-in core blocks?
I want to add the padding property to the ‘core/embed’ for youtube, so I can add custom padding to the video.
]]>I am using a custom theme that I have built, so it doesn’t have the full site editing features.
#1) I have added this code below to add the line height UI for typography (in the functions.php).
add_theme_support( 'custom-line-height' );
This is how my codes looks in for my registered block. I am using ACF pro plugin to create my custom blocks:
'name' => 'classic-wysiwyg',
'title' => __('Regular Text'),
'description' => __('The Classic WordPress WYSIWYG editor.'),
'render_callback' => 'my_acf_gutenberg_block_render_callback',
'category' => 'my-custom-blocks',
'mode' => 'auto',
'supports' => [
'align' => false,
'anchor' => true,
'typography' => [
'fontSize' => true,
'lineHeight' => true,
it adds in the line height UI in the editor page (screenshot:, but how can output the custom line height value in my php block template file?
I can’t seem to find the code to do that. I thought it was $block[‘lineHeight’], but this doesn’t work. What is the code to display the line height value in php?
#2) Spacing – margin & padding UI:
I have added the code below to enable spacing control:
add_theme_support( 'custom-spacing' );
Also I have added these codes inside acf_register_block() function to show the UI in the editor page. Please find the partial code below:
` ‘supports’ => [
‘spacing’ => [
‘margin’ => [ ‘top’, ‘bottom’ ],
‘padding’ => [ ‘top’, ‘bottom’ ],
Issue #1) The padding UI is showing in the editor page (screenshot:, but the margin UI isn’t showing. What am I missing?
Issue #2) I see the padding UI and I can input the padding values, but I can’t seem to output the values in my php block template files. What is the code to display both the custom padding and margin values in my php files?
Thank you!
]]>After updating plugins I faced with issue. Text blocks inherit styles of the computer version even if I set up custom margins for mobile version. Some blocks with paddings on mobile devices are shown incorrectly.
For example, for computers I set padding 180px from right. But for mobile devices – 0px.But when I check how page looks on mobile – there is a padding 180. Even though I set special padding for mobile.
I tried to disable plugins and clear cache – it didn’t help. Problem is not about Elementor Pro. I tried to change the theme. As a result paddings are correct.
So problem in Ocean WP.
Right now I temporarily rollbacked to the 3.3.1 version of Elementor, so you wouldn’t recreate the issue. But I did screeenshots:
Link to the website:
I have a problem with one of my pages on mobile devices. I’m using the Astra Theme, Gutenberg and Stackable. I created two pages and both have the page content layout settings to Full Width / stretched. I set a max width to 768px for some containers on one of the pages and on the mobile there is a nice padding for all the content on each side. On the other page, where I’m using the same settings this padding is not there it happens for all the containers of the page.
Another problem is that I set the content layout settings for my Blog Page to Full Width / Limited but the posts appear stretched on the page.
]]>– Have pages built with Elementor, and the blog Entries page and post page not with Elementor. The blog Entries and post page are default page editor in lastest WP, and use Customizer to design it.
– The Header and Footer works fine on the Elementor pages (they are all designed in Elementor)
– Problem is, the Footer (also on Header, but not a big problem, and not so easy to see) gets other width, or margins, or padding on the Blog and Post pages (the text gets much closer to left/right screen edge.
And on mobile the Footer layout on the Blog/Post page is not the same, elements are moved sideways (elements I can not have aligned “centered”, but use padding/margin in pixels).
I have tried all variations of setting the Blog/Post pages to “Full Width” or “100% Full width” and tried different settings on the Header and Footer but the Header/Footer works anyway good, as long as it’s on an Elementor created page.
On my Header nav menu “Nyheter” is the Blog entrie page, compare the Footer with signup forms and social buttons to the Footer on another page in the nav menu. Look also at the small text at the very bottom of the Footer, how the margin/padding changes depending on page type.
What is the advice here?
the latest update messed up my paddings/margins, maybe someone can help me with this.
– at /blog the padding of my container is set to 0
– same for all pages
– same for all my breadcrumbs
How can I fix this?
When inserting our own margin and padding values to a widget using the element editor, even if it is a column widget, the value order you use is,
Top | Bottom | Left | Right
Is this correct for your plugin?
If that is what the plugin shows, this is contrary to the CSS3 standard when displaying 4 values the order is,
Top | Right | Bottom | Left
Can you explain why it was done this way?