Before installing, I would like to know would this plugin work with memberpress plugin? And can it be used on video emebds?
Please advise, thanks
]]>How can I unblock my country?
Where in the files do I edit the blocking?
Thank you!
]]>In the admin area they only see their own private events, and their own live events, but on the front end they can see private events for other users (defined by the event category) as well.
I am sorry but I can’t figure out how to allow a user, when logged in, to see private events only for their own event category, even on the front end, ie not other private events!
Are you able to point me in the right direction? We are using the settings on the event category to enable certain roles to work with events of that category.
capability to this role.
For now, I commented out the ur_show_current_user_attachments
filter on line 19 of user-registration/includes/functions-ur-account.php
(version 1.9.7), but that is not ideal because it will get removed with the next plugin update.
Thank you.
]]>I would like to know if there is any way to make my own translation, and how to make it ignore the one from the repository. Since there are some words that I want to give another focus in my language.
]]>I’ve been looking for a long time to rate my own posts (privately, as admin or writer), then filter them for my own use, for instance: only show 5-star posts, only show posts with ratings greater than 3 stars, etc.
There was a plugin doing that (I think: ) but it hasn’t been updated for ages.
Is the “Rate my post” plugin tweakable enough to do this:
? hide ratings for everyone except admin or writers
? filter posts greater than X stars
If this is not possible, could this feature be added? I could translate the whole plugin into French as a big thank you.
]]>I’m currently facing trouble with this plugin. The web page I’m working on is , and they asked me to ban Spain because spanish users have their own website ( Ironically, I am spanish and work in Spain, so I need to access at the very least the backend or I’ll end up blocking myself.
1rst time I installed IP GEO BLOCK, everything stopped working and I was forced to delete all trails of this plugin. This is the 2nd time I’ve installed it and it seemed to work fine but sometimes users could still access the website (I thought at first this was due cache, but I’ve tried it from other computers and different browsers and I can see the website from those).
Here’s what my current settings look like: (please ask me for the image if you don’t see it). What settings should I change and with what? To my understanding, only blocking spain on the frontend should be fine. Redirecting to doesn’t work either but that’s the least of my issues right now
The plugin I have is updated! And the only one that conflicts with it is yoast seo which I deactivated already
]]>No it’s for a regular blog where a plugin just pulls in existing information of blog posts. I haven’t even made any blog contributions to my WordPress site. I’d like to be able to just do a vertical timeline the same as most the plugins i notice that DO pull post dates and photos and paragraphs. But i want to input the photo, date, year myself and just create a stand alone page seperate to the blog.
Something like a timeline template page i guess but if there is a plugin that can do this simply that would be good.
Thanks Dasha.