]]>I need to link the hompage to a subdomain for an online store, that is outside of wordpress (example:
Is there a place where I can manually add the external link?
If so can someone please provide the file, section, and code to write?
Thank you for your help,
]]>Can READ THE POST be used to link to an outside page or post? Sometimes I want to direct users from my homepage to a post elsewhere on the web, without their having to click through to my post first.
Tried adding a link to a READ MORE button, but no dice.
If that’s an upgrade, I’ll buy it. Hats off to you for the free version regardless.
]]>in the Presentation Options (PDF icon appearance) menu it is possible to set individual image which is included in a generated link tag.
This is a problem, when you want to implement some additional input for axample a div etc. which is also included in the link tag then.
Can you change this option, that only the input field is included without the generated link tag?
If this is needed anyone can copy also the link in this field.
]]>I am thinking to redirect my thank you page to offer page after 5 seconds.
How do we do that in wordpress admin area.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Currently, If there are links in our latest tweet, the user can click on the element and it will go to that link that was in the tweet, and not our twitter homepage.
I queried theme support and they told me to edit the twitter.php file, but I don’t know where to insert, or really what to insert to make the entire element link to our homepage? Do I use the <a href= approach, and what do I put in place of text?
here’s the code that need to be modified.
$show_twitter = get_option('theme_show_twitter');
if($show_twitter == 'true')
<!-- twitter update list -->
<ul id="twitter_update_list">
<li><?php _e("No Tweet Loaded !", 'framework'); ?></li>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
getTwitters('twitter_update_list', {
id: '<?php echo get_option('theme_twitter_username'); ?>',
count: 1,
enableLinks: true,
ignoreReplies: true,
clearContents: true,
template: '%text%'
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]]>I am using Panorama thing if that matters.
My site is