]]>This page lets you order all slides shown with [tribulant_slideshow].
To order slides per gallery, go to Slideshow > Manage Galleries and order for that specific gallery.
But i see no slides there? Am i missing an update of some kind? Do i need to make changes manually within the code? If so, what file am i looking at to do so?
Here is the URL to the site i am managing. My goal is to remove the duplicate slide (slide7) at the end of the presentation at the top of the homepage.
]]>First off, thank you for this wonderful plugin! However, I am having difficulty linking images to specified urls. When I go to edit an image, there is a Link Selection field but no options. (I have tried both Links: True and False options in the settings to no avail) Is there a way to link the slider images to urls and have the url web pages open in new windows?
Also, is there a way to order the slides…or is it always the last slide uploaded that displays first??
I am using WordPress v 3.6.1. Your plugin installed is v 2.0.
Thank you!!!