On my website, we have 2 orders that have been processed as normal. But the last order has been set to “Processing” (as it should), but when trying to “Complete” that last order, it goes to “Pending”. The order is not received in Klarna Merchant, and when looking at the order log, it says “Klarna order ID is missing, Klarna order could not be captured at this time”.
If the order wasn’t processed by Klarna, then how could it be set to “Processing”, and not cancelled?
Do you have a fix for this?
Can you please take a look at this and get back to me? Please let me know if you need something else from me.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Also, the orders are always shows pending even the order is paid and I received the money…
so,Please help me to fix this problem..Thanks in advance
Buongiorno, vorrei sapere fino a quale versione di WooCommerce il plugin è supportato.
Il mio sito soddisfa il requisito “WordPress versione: 4.6 o successiva” ma dopo aver configurato il plugin con il codice di attivazione e aver tentato un vero pagamento compare Internal Server Error.
L’ordine rimane poi in WooCommerce come “In attesa di pagamento”.
Attendo urgente risposta. Grazie
My website is currently running wordpress 4.0 and woocommerce 2.2
I have had several occasions where orders are pending payment and have no order notes on them but payment has been received within paypal?
Paypal is the only payment gateway I am using on the site and plenty of my other orders are going through fine but it seems to be 1 in 5 are staying as pending payment rather than changing to processing and attaching the relevant IPN Payment, stock reduced successfully etc. order notes?
Any help would be great on this as it is a live site and a massive headache having to manually check all pending payment orders daily as well as a nightmare because when the payment is pending it does not reduce the stock on the system!
Kind Regards,Dan
]]>I have orders “pending”, my customers tell me that when they want to pay, they get the message : “Invoice already paid” but it is not.
I loose money everyday because of this.
The question is : Does Woocommerce works properly ? Internet is full of people asking about the pending order problem , and nobody answer.
Thanks for help
]]>Having an issue with my site sending automated emails to customers after a successful purchase. Email is telling them their order is pending and awaiting payment. How can I fix this? Customers are getting mad and I have to explain to them the problem. Can someone please point me in the right direction, I have no css knowledge. Thank you in advance.
]]>When customers make a purchase from my wp-ecommerce site the order status remains “pending” although the transaction is complete. A a result customers receive an email stating the the transaction is pending and an additional email will be sent when the “payment clears”. In addition, when a purchase is made the status of the order on the “Sales” page is “order received” when it should be “accepted payment”. How can this be fixed?
WP-Ecommerce v.: 3.2.1
Gold Cart v: 2.92
Gateway: Authorize.net 2.0
Thanks for ANY help.