The CSS rules to display the APPROVE/DECLINE button use a selector of the actions buttons:
But your CSS is written for standard Dokan language (english)
The problem if when translating wordpress, the button data-original-title change its value to the translated term… making the CSS selector not working.
I made a ugly quick fix by adding to my theme CSS file the following 2 lines:
a[data-original-title=”Approuver”]::before { font-family: “Font Awesome 5 Free” !important; content: “\f058” !important; color:GREEN }
a[data-original-title=”Refuser”]::before { font-family: “Font Awesome 5 Free” !important; content: “\f057” !important; color:RED}
]]>Currently having a wordpress/woocommerce setup where users can login to see and buy products. Users who login comes from different companies. What we want is for the head Admins of the different companies to be able to approve the order.
So the flow would be:
User from Company1 loggs in to the shop -> picks out a few things to ”buy” -> goes to checkout and -> completes the buy.
Admin user from Company1 gets a notification via email -> loggs in -> approves the order.
A Company1-Admin should only be able to approve for Company1-Users
Same as for the other companies, only approve from its own company users.
Besides WordPress and Woocommerce, these
woocommerce plugins are also installed:
Customer Specific Pricing for WooCommerce Version 4.6.2
WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses Version 18.2
More Sorting Options for WooCommerce Version 3.2.6
WooCommerce added to cart popup (Ajax) Version 1.5
Is there a plugin/script out there that will allow this functionality?
Could I add some custom code so the email notification is sent to the vendor also?
Thanks, great plugin.
]]>When the order is accepted, the customer should receive a payment link with the normal payment methods
Is there a way to make this happen? Thanks in advance!
I would also like the portal to provide a snapshot report with purchase totals per employee, based on a date range.
The alternative to the above is an automated check for employee’s available allowance/budget prior to order submission. If purchase amount is less than funds available in allowance, order continues. Otherwise, order is prevented. No supervisor action necessary (other than reseting the budgets on periodic basis).
I have not found existing plugins to do any of these operations. Perhaps it’s not easily done in the Woo code. Interested in feedback. Also open to suggestions for alternative ecommerce platforms. Thanks.