Testing the plugin I ran into a serious problem. I couldn’t update the option panel, section create new form. Everytime I contsructed my own form and then clicked the “save” button the spnner started to spin and did not stop spinning. Nothing was saved. I tried it several times without any result.
Never encountered such a problem! It’s obvious one cannot use the plugin in that way.
Hope you have a solution.
Kind regards,
You added woocommerce
css class on file yith-woocommerce-wishlist/plugin-fw/lib/yit-plugin-panel-wc.php
line#430 where $pagenow==admin.php
Which is arise an css issue with select2. Because woocommerce admin.css made select2 container min-width: 400px!important; with important value.
So all of admin option panel select2 width changed to 400px for woocommerce class
It would be great if you make an update and remove woocommerce class from admin_body_class hook.
And my page is without that image. Mi page is: https://suculaff.com/, and the image that is empty is which I treat to change.
Any idea?
Thanks so much in advance!
]]>how to solve this issue on wordpress?
]]>Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/ewnet/public_html/wp-content/themes/appointment/functions/template-tag.php:54) in /home/ewnet/public_html/wp-admin/post.php on line 233
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/ewnet/public_html/wp-content/themes/appointment/functions/template-tag.php:54) in /home/ewnet/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1178
This is a clean install of WP and the theme, and I already tried deactivating all my plugins and checking for spaces in the code, etc.
]]>I came onto your theme and found it very great with a nice design. Therefore I stepped to the pro version for creating a blog. Now, big problem. Indeed, it is for me impossible to create my own layout. I’m new to WordPress but it seems that the “Option panel” from your theme does not work. I indeed do not get access to any of the tab for modification except General and Typography. All te rest is not accessible. It’s quite frustrating when you pay for something to work. But I’m sure you could provide me with some support.
]]>I’m developing or making customize Option Panel, which is based on these tutorial I found – Option Panel.
Also I successfully implemented/embed the TinyMCE on the textarea.
(I’m using the the_editor() function)
Everything run perfectly but I have noticed the output has something wrong. When I put some styles on the fonts/image in the editor. The output on the page is plain, no styles output.
I notice this in the page source view. The inline css tags are messed-up…Some has backslash and some tags are misplace.
Ex-1: Styling the font
<span underline;\"="" text-decoration:="" #888888;="" style="\"color:">11212121</span>
Ex-2: Center the image
<p center;="" style="text-align:"><img height="183" alt="width=300" src="https://localhost/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2011-Land-Rover-Range-Rover-300x183.jpg" title="2011-Land-Rover-Range-Rover" aligncenter="" wp-image-46="" class="size-medium"></p>
My customize page source code:
<div class="content-cont">
<div id="content">
$getoptB = get_option('pg_foot_label_b');
$getoptB = do_shortcode($getoptB);
$getoptB = wpautop($getoptB);
echo $getoptB;
Is there something I miss or I have wrong functions retrieving values. I’m not really good in WP customize templates. Help please thanks.