]]>I’m using your plugin on a site where I use Optimole for optimizing and CDN.
Now, the links in the Medialist goes to the optimized CDN webp images.
But I want Medialist to link to the original files uploaded in the WordPress media folder.
Is this possible?
Kind regards,
Sander Gheldof
Am i doing something wrong? Please let me know.
]]>Requires snippet to be added to php, but support is not responsive to provide it.
Otherwise is quite easy to be configured.
]]>However, seems like Cloudflare will cache the images too. Is there a way to prevent caching the images so that Optimole can serve them while CF serves everything else?
Also, should I minify the CSS and JS with another plugin to make sure CF caches the minified version or the minify options in the CF dashboard will do the same job?