I am getting the dreaded:
“Only one ‘enable_page_level_ads’ allowed per page”
I have read the solution here:
To troubleshoot I disabled advanced ads and did a search on the source code for one of my pages to identify if there was somehow some lingering culprit at work. The only reference to google ads I can find is the code below:
<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({"google_ad_client":"ca-pub-#################","enable_page_level_ads":true,"tag_partner":"site_kit"});</script>
This is from the Google Site Kit plugin. As this is a standard google product and does not display ads, but rather connects my page to my Googel Ads Account I figured you should know and am hopeful there is a fix.
]]>keep going with your great idea!
Best regards
]]>How can I make sure they get two links and two PDFs?
]]>I experience a weird problem.
The import via ID works only for one event. When I try to import more (one ID per line, like advised) it only imports the event in the last line.
So I tried to import all events one-by-one but the new import overwrites the previous imported event.
]]>Not sure why this happens but hopefully the developer will fix this in future release
]]>I set the plugin to post on a custom post type.
All works perfect if I set only one category for the post.
But if I set in subject 2 categories, the plugin takes only the last one that it founds.
Ex. Subject: -cat1- -cat2- Title of post
It set the post only in the cat2, also if the plugin found also the first.
Here the debug code:
tag_Categories: found categories
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => -trompe-
[1] => -scenografia-
[1] => Array
[0] => trompe
[1] => scenografia
lookup_category: trompe
category wildcard lookup: trompe
category wildcard found: 34
tag_Categories: subject: -scenografia- Fontana di Apollo e Dafne
lookup_taxonomy: 34 is in taxonomy portfolio_category
tag_Categories: custom taxonomy portfolio_category
lookup_category: scenografia
category wildcard lookup: scenografia
category wildcard found: 35
tag_Categories: subject: Fontana di Apollo e Dafne
lookup_taxonomy: 35 is in taxonomy portfolio_category
tag_Categories: custom taxonomy portfolio_category
Can you fix it?
I have programming knowledge, so if you have no time, please tell me where I have to put my hands on for this, and I fix it and publish it here, ok?
Thanks for your attention
Have a Nice Day,
]]>Maybe I overlooked something, but I have the problem that when adding a product to cart I only can add one of each product.
When you add an extra product of a product already in cart a banner appears on top saying “U kunt niet nog een “product name” toevoegen aan uw winkelmand.” translate to English ” You cannot add another “product name” to your cart”
It is also not possible to adjust the number of products in the cart on the check out page.
The stock quantity of these products is sufficient. I also tried to change the theme, without result.
The website is www.pietersplanten.nl
Thanks for your help.
Thank you!
]]>This is exactly what I want. The only snag is that if I have not posted anything in the last 24 hours the Front Page comes up blank.
So I would like to add some code to the index so that if no posts have been made in the past 24 hours the Front Page will simply display only the most recent post regardless of its date/time stamp.
Can anyone help? Thanks.