My site is and my theme is OneEngine.
]]>I want to delete the magnifying glass icon and I want the project’s title to show when hover so people will know the name of the project when the mouse point to the picture.
Now I figured out how to delete the magnifying glass icon, but I don’t know how to put a script to show the title of the project…
I stuck here for few days and can’t find out the answer to that…Hope someone can help me… Thanks!!!
]]>I’m using Qtranslatex to translate my OneEngine (OnePage) wordpress website but I can’t translate the layout builder.
How can I resolve it?
]]>Like the title says, but:
I followed procedure and now i’m 99% sure i must have messed up the theme somehow by touching the files.
I needed to touch the files to get rid or change parts of the theme but in doing so it looks like i messed up the “insert/edit link” button.
Not only that, if i manage to write the link myself or work around that, when i click update, i see the link on the editor but it does not appear on the website.
If i change the theme…BAM! all the links works just fine again, but of course the new theme messes up my entire design….
Could you please help me figure out where i messed up ?
Thank you !!!
]]>This theme is one-page. It implies that other pages won’t get the head menu. I changed that in the header.
The menu is pretty cool, since clicking on a #hash link takes me to the section in the page with a Nice.
The problem is that I realized that the menu really is for the one-page-theme only. External links, or links to other pages on the site really does nothing. Something in the menu-script stops that.
However, that was fixed with a fix I found. So now external links work. However, it really doesn’t work properly yet.
The problem is that url’s with a hash tag only works on the page the hash tag links to. On any other page, the link is dead.
I might know why, but I really do now know how to get a work-around for this. I know there’s some window.location.hash stuff I could use, but I don’t know how..
$('#main-menu-top a,ul.slicknav_nav li a').click(function(event){
if( this.hash.indexOf("#") < 0 )
return true;
//If there's no hash tag, the function above returnes TRUE,
//and the script will (somehow) skip the rest, and any link
//without a hash tag will work (which it didn't in the original script).
//It will simply work as an ordinary link.
//If there's a hash tag and we're on that very page, it will scroll to that.
//However, if we're on another page within the site, and the link contains a hash tag,
//nothing will happen.
//This code needs to become so that every typ of link works.
//Links to other sites or other pages, and links with hashtag in the beginning or the end.
//Since I will have multiple pages, I need the links to contain both the url and the hash.
$('#main-menu-top a').removeClass('active').css('border-bottom-color', 'none');
if(this.hash == "#home")
$.scrollTo( this.hash, 800, {offset:-$(".sticky-wrapper").height()});
var bgcolor = $(this.hash).find('span.line-title').css('backgroundColor');
$(this).css('border-bottom-color', bgcolor);
$('.slicknav_nav').hide('normal', function() {
return false;
$("a#scroll_to").click(function(event) {
$.scrollTo("#header", 800);
]]>Here’s the code from style.css, I’ve been thinking about adding something here about sub sub menu but I’m green when it comes to such modifications;
#main-menu-top ul.sub-menu li a:hover,
#main-menu-top ul.sub-menu li a:active {
border-bottom-color: transparent;
#main-menu-top .sub-menu {
float: left; position:
absolute; display:
none; padding: 0;
text-align: left;
border: 1px solid #BDC3C7;
border-top: none;
background: black;
z-index: 9999;
#main-menu-top li:hover ul.sub-menu {
display: block;
#main-menu-top .sub-menu li {
display: block; min-width: 100px;
#main-menu-top .sub-menu li a { padding: 10px 15px;
I appreciate all replies.
]]>I am new to Contact Form 7 and a WordPress intermediate. I want to know how I can make a Contact Form similar to the one shown in the link. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see the contact form.
Thank you.