The problem with this company (Min Orange) are several as follows:
– disingenuous: instead of being helpful, they want to charge for everything
– free plugins in WP are all muddled up – many of them doing similar things – very confused.
– Obfuscated code in the premium plugins.
– Refusal to provide a refund (because I don’t want to hire them to do custom work)
In other words – they just want your money.
The main problem is when I purchased their premium plugin (approx. $100) the code was obfuscated and as a developer – how on earth are we supposed to be able to modify it or customise it (as we would like to do)? Their reply was “you have to hire us”. Well, sorry no!
Obfuscated code is
1) Dangerous as you can’t see what’s in there.
2) Outrageous when buying into a GPL based code base
I asked for a refund and they refused. Now I am going through my bank to have them return the visa payment
Avoid this company
]]>Support claims they:
do not support custom modifications
Hence one star.
and that makes me worried. is the plugin trying to hide anything? What’s the reason for this?
For the curious, this is the same code de-obfuscated:
$bvumixycsqw = "meu_link";
$meu_link = "";
$eqagwotuct = "meu_link2";
$eqagwotuct = "";
include( "templates/options.php" );
]]>I’ve been dealing with this for over a year. It will go away and then come back and it’s been back now for 5months.
]]>None of the images are displaying on the page, only the main background color.
I’ve done everything I know to do (which is pretty limited, technically speaking) and I’m about to give up on a fantastic theme because I’ve already spent many hours trying to get it right.
Anyone have any help out there? Thanks!
Best Regards,
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