Whenever I click on the comment button on any of my test pictures from any browser on an iphone XR (IOS 12.1.4), I am getting “too many HTTP redirects. NSURLErrorDomain”
This doesn’t happen at all from any browser on a Windows 10 comp.
You can try with this page: https://cybercisco.photo/gmedia/dsc02302-jpg
I have checked that images had no links, checked https://cybercisco.photo/gmedia/dsc02302-jpg/#comments in https://www.redirect-checker.org (no issue), but I could not find a fix.
I am not using HTTPS on this site.
I have looked everywhere in Gmedia and my theme (Kalium), but could not find a way to get rid of all the details (title, author, album, categories, tags, uploaded) under the comment section:
Please check here: https://cybercisco.photo/gmedia/dsc02302-jpg/
Thanks for your help
]]>Safari can’t open the page “https://www.goodpudding.com/wp-admin/index.php”. The error was: “lost network connection” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005
You can confirm that the public site is working here: https://www.goodpudding.com
It mystifies how one of these could produce a network error but not the other, since they are both operating against the same domain. Does the Dashboard link do some kind redirection internal to the PHP file that could be hitting a bad destination?
I did modify the DNS entries today, but they are correctly pointing to the IP address of
I have also tried Firefox and IE under Windows, and both get network failures as well
Any help will be much appreciated!
]]>I created a new blog a few days ago. For the first few days the RSS feed stuff seemed to work fine, but now it gives me that (apparently much-reported!) error message in Safari:
Safari cana€
t open the page a€?feed://blog.tenuousconnections.com/index.php/feed/a€?. The error was: a€?unknown errora€? (NSURLErrorDomain:-1)
I am using WordPress 1.5.2 and my hosting provider tells me they are running MySQL 3.23.58 and PHP 4.3.10 on their servers. My pages validate as XHTML and I have tried with no plugins installed. I tried posting new comments and a new post today, clearing my browser cache, all the various ideas I’ve seen posted here, and nothing seems to fix it. A reminder that the RSS feed was working at least for the first day or two my blog was running, then stopped.
]]>Searches here show others running into this problem but well after install. For some, it cropped up during an upgrade. For others, it just surfaced when installing a new plug-in.
I’m not php savvy but I have been reasonably successful in the past installing all kinds of php applications — CMS, other blog systems, forums, etc.
But now I’m stuck and stymied.