Please help.
]]>I find I am unable to login to the wp-admin, and the lost password / lost user ID function doesn’t seem to recognise any of my user ID’s or my email. So, I am unable to add new content or even update sw or access back-ups, etc.
Any suggestions?
]]>(Was asked to attach the following.
Online Backup for WordPress Plugin Version 3.0.1
WordPress Version: 3.5.1 (standalone)
PHP Version: 5.2.17
Server Software: Apache
MySQL Server Version: 5.0.92-50-log
MySQL Client Version: 1.0; MySQL Packet Size: 16 MiB
Memory: 256M; Post: 8M; Upload: 8M; Timeout: 30
Memory Changable: Yes; Admin Cache Size: 74.49 KiB
Status: 1 row, 13.67 KiB packet size, 83.15 KiB cache freed, 27.63 MiB memory used
Capabilities: gzdeflate php5hash DES AES128 AES192 AES256
End of Information)
]]>I’m hoping someone can help with this, and that it’s in the right place.
I uploaded a new version of my plugin weeks ago. The plugin directory failed to pickup the version number correctly and now, several releases later (mainly releases trying to fix the problem), it still isn’t reading it correctly.
I’ve validated the readme, re-encoded the files as ASCII, checked and double checked everything I can think off and everything that I’ve been able to find here about the same issue.
Unless I’ve misunderstood or made a complete booboo, I can find no reason why my plugin isn’t properly recognised by the directory. I’ve mailed the plugin team about it and so far, the only response has been that the directory is not picking up the version number correctly, have I got the version number in the header? The directory is picking up the version number (I’m guessing from the tagged versions) but it is not recognising this as the latest stable version and consequently nothing is recognising there is an update available for the widget.
If anyone more experienced than me could take a look at the files and point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it as I have exhausted my limited knowledge of the plugin directory/repository.
The widget is at
]]>I uploaded a theme I really like. “Motion”, and the software doesn’t recognise it. Usually there’s nothing more to it than uploading the directory.
Could it be that I should update to 2.9.2 or could it be that this theme is for an older version?