Then I go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Products per row > Change it to a different number > Publish > Close the customizer
Nothing is published and no changes are visible in the front-end…
This happens with every WooCommerce setting inside WP customizer.
Can you help me?
ProxyHandler: ObjectTarget: ModuleAlignmentToolbar: (…)Autocomplete: (…)AutosaveMonitor: (…)BlockAlignmentToolbar: (…)BlockControls: (…)BlockEdit: (…)BlockFormatControls: (…)BlockIcon: (…)BlockInspector: (…)BlockList: (…)BlockMover: (…)BlockNavigationDropdown: (…)BlockSelectionClearer: (…)BlockSettingsMenu: (…)BlockTitle: (…)BlockToolbar: (…)ColorPalette: (…)ContrastChecker: (…)CopyHandler: (…)DefaultBlockAppender: (…)DocumentOutline: (…)DocumentOutlineCheck: (…)EditorGlobalKeyboardShortcuts: (…)EditorHistoryRedo: (…)EditorHistoryUndo: (…)EditorNotices: (…)EditorProvider: (…)ErrorBoundary: (…)FontSizePicker: (…)InnerBlocks: (…)Inserter: (…)InspectorAdvancedControls: (…)InspectorControls: (…)MediaPlaceholder: (…)MediaUpload: (…)MediaUploadCheck: (…)MultiBlocksSwitcher: (…)MultiSelectScrollIntoView: (…)NavigableToolbar: (…)ObserveTyping: (…)PageAttributesCheck: (…)PageAttributesOrder: (…)PageAttributesParent: (…)PageTemplate: (…)PanelColorSettings: (…)PlainText: (…)PostAuthor: (…)PostAuthorCheck: (…)PostComments: (…)PostExcerpt: (…)PostExcerptCheck: (…)PostFeaturedImage: (…)PostFeaturedImageCheck: (…)PostFormat: (…)PostFormatCheck: (…)PostLastRevision: (…)PostLastRevisionCheck: (…)PostLockedModal: (…)PostPendingStatus: (…)PostPendingStatusCheck: (…)PostPingbacks: (…)PostPreviewButton: (…)PostPublishButton: (…)PostPublishButtonLabel: (…)PostPublishPanel: (…)PostSavedState: (…)PostSchedule: (…)PostScheduleCheck: (…)PostScheduleLabel: (…)PostSticky: (…)PostStickyCheck: (…)PostSwitchToDraftButton: (…)PostTaxonomies: (…)PostTaxonomiesCheck: (…)PostTextEditor: (…)PostTitle: (…)PostTrash: (…)PostTrashCheck: (…)PostTypeSupportCheck: (…)PostVisibility: (…)PostVisibilityCheck: (…)PostVisibilityLabel: (…)PreserveScrollInReorder: (…)RichText: (…)RichTextInserterItem: (…)RichTextShortcut: (…)RichTextToolbarButton: (…)ServerSideRender: (…)SkipToSelectedBlock: (…)TableOfContents: (…)URLInput: (…)URLInputButton: (…)URLPopover: (…)UnsavedChangesWarning: (…)Warning: (…)WordCount: (…)WritingFlow: (…)blockAutocompleter: (…)cleanForSlug: (…)fullscreen: {bind_resize: ?, dfwWidth: ?, off: ?, on: ?, refreshButtons: ?,?…}getColorClassName: (…)getColorObjectByAttributeValues: (…)getColorObjectByColorValue: (…)getDefaultSettings: ? 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]]>There is no ad served from google in my website:
As you can see it pulls in my event just fine, but it says “this event has not been published yet.” even though it has been published.
Also when I click the link it links me to a 404:
I have ‘post name as my permalink structure’ by the way
]]>endwhile; wp_reset_postdata();
at the end. Everything works fine as long as I publish once, then switch to draft mode while I write the post. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks. Here is the code I have:
<div id="second-column" class="col-xs-6"><!-- START right col -->
<?php the_block( 'Second Column' ); ?>
</div><!-- END right col -->
</div><!-- End Row -->
</div><!-- End About Section Content -->
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
</article><!-- #post -->
<?php endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
]]>I used the previous version, but with version 2 still fails.
I have Access granted, but the post is not published.
Fernando Eduardo Louren?o