The checkout never shows any date to select, no matter what I do. I have the location setup properly and pickup is checked. Everything looks good but the checkout never displays a date picker. I have looked through all the online documentation, but I do not see anything that could be causing this.
The website was built using Kadence and I have disabled all the other extra plugins to try and troubleshoot this issue. Please let me know what may be going wrong here. Thanks! Dennis
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I have looked online and followed all the tutorials I found with the different possible solutions (deleting the cache, making sure all the updates are done, deactivating all the plugins, changing browser) but nothing worked and I really need to get it done, would anyone have any idea on how to fix it?
Thank you!
]]>For example I had 22 products live on my dashboard (backend) under pets, when I go to the home page (front end) there was 2 listings. But the 22 were live and working, their links were working and the items could be bought.
The plugin I use to load the products (AliNext) have said it’s not a fault on their end, to give them their dues they helped quite a lot and found similar posts on this site with people complaining their products go walkies. I tried switching theme, didn’t help. I tried deactivating all but the needed plugins, didn’t help. I contacted the theme company (Best Shop) I am using, they have no clue. I have spent the last 8 hours going manually thru most of the products that are not displaying to copy them & reload them, delete the original and they then display right. There were 1,137 products not displaying right, so far I’ve done about 800 but the problem isn’t fixed, may come back and if it does I am going to lose the plot and ring up ionos because someone has to be able to tell me what’s happening to my site and the listings.
The site has been made by myself, I am far from a qualified web designer but I do know the basics and every listing has been put up the same way by myself so I’m confused as to why some listings display and some do not. They are not adult in nature, it’s not being blocked by any filters.
If it’s not the plugins, not the theme, not the supplier taking the listings offline or them selling out what could it be? It’s either wordpress, woocommerce, ionos or gremlins.
Now I am giving up for tonight, I have a screen shot of all the listings I have fixed today with the correct listing numbers showing on the categories. If I wake up in the morning and the gremlins have had a joint or two during the night and got the munchies and eaten half my products again I really won’t be happy but I do not know who to direct my anger towards, the gremlins obviously but I would like an official name of a company I can chat to about this because there is no way I can run an online shop with half my listings buggering off when they feel like it.
Any help greatly appreciated,
]]>I would like to add the css to turn on but cannot work it out. Can you help please.
Thank you
]]>My website is currently private, as I am still working on it and will contain a login for various different users to access different areas of the WordPress.
This has not interfered in anything, but I am mentioning it incase anyone needs to actively view my WordPress at some point to see what is going on.
I have a Static Homepage called ‘Home’ which is a page, which is the front page, and will contain different links for people to click on – employer, employee, subscriber etc. So currently ‘Home’ is not the main posts page.
I have a Static Posts page called ‘Posts’ which is a page, but which is not the front page, and will contain the main posts of my WordPress.
The theme that I am using is Opulence by Pipdig
As you can see on the featured theme above, there is an option for a featured slider. There are also additional options (not currently featured on that demo above) for Featured Categories, Featured Images etc.
On Customiser by default, the theme has it’s own options to feature these – but the widgets will only appear on the Front Page or Every Page – static page, posts or whatever is the default for the ‘Front Page.’
So I went under the Widgets section instead and tried to feature some other parts of the theme – Random Posts, Popular Posts, other installed plugin features etc.
These display successfully on the Front Page, but when I tick the Conditional Widgets box underneath each widget to ‘Hide on Front Page’ and ‘Show on Posts’ only, nothing appears. I must be doing this wrong, so could you please advise me?
Thanks kindly.
]]>I work in Hello Elementor, in localhost.
The Header from the ElementorKits plugin doesn’t display on my site, and I get this warning:
“Warning: Undefined array key “ekit_offcanvas_menu_icons_position” in header-offcanvas.php on line 847.
The header is enabled for the entire site. I’ve tried the following without success:
Changed to Elementor Full Width
Deactivated & reactivated ElementorKits.
Deactivated all other plugins.
Cleared my browser cache and site cache
I don’t know how to solve it at this point. It might be because I work in local?
Any help is welcome,
I am pulling in the post, adding a category to display the source, and the full post within the site.
<div class=”post-image” style=”background-image: url( <?php echo the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?> );”</div>
About my suspected plugins to cause this issue:
I use Autoptimize. Optimize Javascript & CSS options have been turned ON. I am not using lazy-loading feature of Autoptimize.
Visual Portfolio: I have turned off lazy loading.
Jetpack: I have enabled site-accelerator. I think it comes with lazy-loading
Cloudflare: I am using the free version of Cloudflare. RocketLoader has been turned OFF. However, Auto-Minify is ON.
The Slider/Coverflow is not loading on any device and any browser.
Any help based on these inputs will be of great help!
Thank you
I read this topic:
because I have the same problem, but the solution provided didn’t work for me. Your plugin says:
“Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.”
And I would like to know if this could be the reason it’s not displaying on my site. I already added almost 20 payment methods, all of them are displaying correctly excepting for Wise payment.
My site is still in development, and I don’t have any caching plugin activated, I tested it with 3 different currencies and still don’t working.
Thank you for your help,