How to fix?
Why is causing this?
Thank you!
]]>Twenty Sixteen 3.1
PublishPress Statuses
The Events Calendar 6.3.1
The Events Calendar Pro 6.3.1
When creating/editing a post/page it is problematic to Publish/Update due to JavaScript errors related to jQuery.
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
<anonymous> https://wordpress.local/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-statuses/common/js/custom-status-block.js?ver=
setInterval handler* https://wordpress.local/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-statuses/common/js/custom-status-block.js?ver=
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
setInterval handler* https://wordpress.local/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-statuses/common/js/custom-status-block.js?ver=
The error repeats itself in a loop and tends to bog down the browser likely causing the issues with the Publish/Update process.
Several themes were tested and the problem was isolated to this combination of plugins. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Uncaught ReferenceError: rlArgs is not defined
at front.js?ver=1698110921:4:107
at front.js?ver=1698110921:42:10
front.js?ver=1698110921:7 Uncaught ReferenceError: rlArgs is not defined
at initPlugin (front.js?ver=1698110921:7:53)
at HTMLDocument. (front.js?ver=1698110921:4:77)
at j (jquery.min.js?ver=1698110921:2:27309)
at Object.fireWith as resolveWith
at Function.ready (jquery.min.js?ver=1698110921:2:29956)
at HTMLDocument.J (jquery.min.js?ver=1698110921:2:30322)
front.js is in your plugins js directory.
Thanks! Glenn
]]>I tried building and viewing the app on the Local WP server but that also fails and gives me an obscure error (since the code is minified after build).
Here is the tutorial that I’m following: https://rockiger.com/en/reactpress/reactpress-tutorial/
Do I have to import the reactPress variable somehow? It’s supposed to be global but doesn’t seem to be accessible from any .js file in src.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>I’ve only seen it for bsp_quote.js, but I would assume it’s happening for every js file that does not list ‘jquery’ as a dependency.
Fixed it for bsp_quote.js in generate_css.php on line 157, replacing:
wp_enqueue_script( 'bsp_quote', plugins_url('js/bsp_quote.js',dirname( __FILE__ )) ) ;
wp_enqueue_script( 'bsp_quote', plugins_url('js/bsp_quote.js',dirname( __FILE__ )), array('jquery'), BSP_VERSION_NUM, true );
Same probably needs to happen for enqueuing all other js files that use jQuery.
Thanks for the hard work!
]]>with previous versions no problem.
]]>Uncaught ReferenceError: wpshNumIgnore is not defined
and it refers to file : wp-content\plugins\wp-shamsi\compatibility\woocommerce.php
This line :
$js .= ‘wpshNumIgnore(“.comment-form-rating”, “.stars a”, 1);’;
I am here to get help on a bug that I am experience on a clients website, apparently wooswipe_wp_plugin_path is not defined, the same error occurs multiple times. It doesn’t break on a handful of browsers, but on a good few others it is breaking the layout of the thumbnail slider. This bug has been reported on a range of browsers and OS. So no need for me to list, I guess you just need to write a fix for all. Here are some links to the exact bugs:
productThumbnails https://www.prolightdirect.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/wooswipe/wooswipe.js:6
<anonymous> https://www.prolightdirect.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/wooswipe/wooswipe.js:118
<anonymous> https://www.prolightdirect.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/wooswipe/wooswipe.js:215
I trust this is not the first you have heard of this, but it seems this declaration fails:
var plugin_path = wooswipe_wp_plugin_path.templateUrl + “/”;
My client has been sitting on a fix for this for a little while, if I could get a prompt responce that would be really amazing.
I guess the solution could be done via me editing your plug-in code, or you whip up a quick fix for me to update and receive.
Thanks, Jason.
]]>Uncaught ReferenceError: tribe_dynamic_help_text is not defined
Click here for more details (screenshot).
Above issue has been reported before in this forum (see below) but no root cause nor fix has been provided so far by the plugin author or developer.
Yes, we’ve tried your troubleshooting recommendations (e.g., check for plugin conflicts, etc). We can confirm this issue is unique to your plugin.
Can you guys review this issue in more detail and provide a fix once and for all?
Thank you!
Avada 7.0.2
WP 5.5
TEC 5.1.6
PHP 7.3.16
Same or Similar Issue Reported Before with No Resolution: