However, if NO OPTIONS are chosen on the first screen, there should NOT be an option to “Complete” the form. Unless, of course, there is a way to complete the form without issuing a message thanking the donor for a donation.
I can’t seem to figure out how to do this.
]]>Can you please help me with this?
Thanks a lot!
]]>There is no instructional documentation. What is labeled documentation is merely a list of features.
Even though I purchased the Pro version, support was sadly lacking. Chat is often closed. When I did get it, the chat line dropped out. It took four days to receive a response to a support ticket.
Many of the difficulties I had were address with the comment, “We’ll add that in the next update.” The theme has been updated twice and only one of the problems was fixed.
This is a beta version at best. A total waste of money.
Don’t waste your time or money with this theme.
]]>we just migrated to a new hosting provider (from all-inkl to Mittwald) for our domain
I used the plugin at the old provider successfully (with several staging environments).
I tried to create a new staging at the new provider and the cloning process failed during the step: “prepare directories” . I tried it twice and both are not completed.
Any help?
Best Regards
I am using a Dreamhost Hosted site on a shared system. I am trying to back up my WordPress site. I clicked on Back up Now button and it is grayed out and says backup in Progress for about 2 hours now. How long should I wait?
How can I cancel the backup and start over?
]]>When i refresh my page the timeline is fully complete before the section is load. From the moment this section is load the height is set on 0px. I can change the height in the stylesheet but there’s no option for an automatic height. Everytime my client add a announcement i have to manually adjust the height.
Is there a solution for this problem?
]]>This problem has been happening since I installed the most recent update to the Anti-Malware.
Can you advise what to do?