1. Only matches keywords in the content of the post, not the title. Now very useful for tagging RSS posts that only show an excerpt, most of the significant information being enclosed in the title
2. Categories are pre-populated with their child categories as keywords. Not usefull to me, as a post tagged in a sub-category will show up in the parent category. It would make more sense to pre-populate the categories’ keywords with the category name itslef.
3. Deleting a keyword asks for confirmation every time. This is particulary annoying… when you want to get rid of the numerous pre-populated keywords! I’d get rid of the confirmation dialog. What you could do is mark the keyword as deleted (with the ability to re-click to undo) until the save button is hit.
4. Be aware that all the work you have done deleting and adding keywords will be definitely lost if you change tabs before hitting the save button. That alone, when unaware, is enough frustrating to get rid of the plugin.
5. Other possible improvement: preserve the category hierarchy, make display more compact, and make keywords drag-and-droppable across categories.
6. Other suggestion: add an option to put the menu entry under the Tools menu. I understand people want to find the plugin they just installed, but all those plugins bloating the admin menu get a bit annoying.
Just my two cents, but otherwise I think this plugin is on the right track. I’m just trying to provide constructive criticism.