I am not allowed to add product, when activating the Beta Block Editor … https://snipboard.io/zkFqUP.jpg
Do we know why that is?
]]>I’m currently working on updating an old website. I made a copy I’m working on, so the site has been created with an older Visual Composer version (35.1) but I’m editing it with the latest version.
So far things are working out well, but when I try to edit elements like “Global Template” or “Section” then following message appears:
But I AM the administrator. In the Role Manager tab, I can edit every role, including the admin one. Doesn’t that mean I’m the admin?
What do I do? Thanks
]]>However when I click on OceanWP in the website admin, I get this error message:
“Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.“
Also, if I click on Customize, via Appearance, there are no options showing there to customize anything.
What do I need to do now?
]]>So I proceeded to deactivate and uninstall the plugin, so I could try again.
2nd attempt, no “No access” page, but plugin still didn’t show up in the menu.
What’s going wrong here?
ETA: Having found the url for the admin page for the plugin in a different thread, I could try to access it directly. This gives me the same “You do not have permission” error page.
]]>I tested other SVG plugins and they seem to fix the issue! however they are not optimal for me and I need this plugin!
]]>I already added:
within wp-config file
Any idea?
I made it work on another website, but do not remember what I did and I also would like to avoid touching the functions php file.
Error: Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context.
#1 I know there already was this exact issue report and that you “resolved” it by sweeping it under the rug with “Unfortunately, there’s no way to fix that since that’s our forms are created.”.
#2 There IS a way you can fix this. You can simply do it via data attributes and js and I’m sure you can do it THE CORRECT WAY as all other plugins somehow manage to do stuff.
#3 No errors on W3C validator is one of Themeforest theme submission requirements so it’s SUPER NOT COOL to just leave this error in your code for us developers (people who drive the customers to you by including your plugin in our themes) which creates risk of rejection for us.
Fun fact: this is the ONLY error in my entire theme. That should mean something to you.
To conclude. When I submit my theme I’ll link to the post where you “resolved” the issue and, in case Themeforest guys demand that the error is removed, I’ll remove your plugin from my theme.