I apologise if I have misunderstood what this plugin does however I thought it was used to embed a Divi library item into a theme template file as it says “embed any Divi Library item … inside a php template by using a simple shortcode”.
I would like to use this feature to set a sitewide footer which is to appear on every page rather than the user having to insert a global footer section on each page or select a pre-defined layout.
I have created a layout in my Divi Library using the layout type “section”. I have styled it as I wish for it to appear on the site. The post ID is 1218.
I have therefore inserted the following in my footer.php theme file:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[showmodule id="1218"]'); ?>
It shows the content but no styling at all. The rows and columns are not shown, the background colors, fonts etc are all missing. It is default ugly html in times new roman.
If I insert the exact same global section from the library into the content area on the same page using the divi builder it looks all nice and styled but not the version inserted via shortcode by this plugin in the footer.php file.
I am using the divi builder with a custom blankslate theme. I have also tried with twenty twenty and same issue except it has some twenty twenty styles but still not divi styles in the footer insertion of the layout.
What am I missing?
]]>I’ve got a huge problem I’ve been battling with for the best part of a week now, I would really appreciate it if anyboby can help, I’m going slowly mad!
About a week ago my site – petbusinessland.com was up and running fine. I use Elementor page builder and they had a update, but the update didn’t work.
Long story short I worked it out that there was a conflict with one of my plugins (WordPress HTTPS By Mike Ems) So I thought I would deactivate and remove HTTPS plugin.
When I deactivated it, my whole website lost all of it’s styling and even logging in at /wp-admin. I re-activated it and everything was fine but the Elementor update still didn’t work.
After the past week trying to figure out how to fix/remove the HTTPS plugin, today I uninstalled WP and then re-installed WP, but now…
– I have no site
– I can’t Log In WP Dashboard
– There is no styling at all.
I have access to my cPanel (GoDaddy) so I can still get to files/folders.
At the moment, I’ve just uninstalled WP from Domain and I’ve come seeking help!
If anybody can help me to get back to a fresh installation of WP on my domain, I can forget about the past week and move on with my life!!
Many thanks to anyboby who can help me.
]]>Without mega menu
With mega menu
Would love all the help I could get.
]]>I’ve tried editing the wpconfig file and when I add the www+url my site loses all styling and half of the images are broken. Links will also point to my local host (127.x.x.x/). I’m using Bluehost and permissions on all my folders/files are set to read/write.
I need to change the the url to the WWW version because my analytics software is having problems. Please help!!!
]]>I am styling my own theme and am having some trouble with Internet Explorer. None of the styling for the HTML element “footer” is showing up in IE, although it look great in Firefox and Opera.
IE is showing no styling at all in the footer. I’ve even tried an IE specific stylesheet, and while it works for everything else, the footer still refuses to cooperate.
Here’s my CSS (actual file path omitted):
footer {
height: 200px;
And here’s my footer.php file:
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="copyright">
<p>Address: ------------------------ | Phone: ------------ | Fax: ------------ | Email:<img id="email" src="https://-------/email-white-e1362761088669.png"/></p>
<div id="copyright-notice">
<span class="copyright-notice-1"><?php if (function_exists('bte_bc_tag')) { bte_bc_tag(); } ?></span>
<span class="copyright-notice-2"><p> | Design by Sara Fraser.</p></span>
<?php wp_footer(); ?></div>
I realize that there can be issues regarding a background image in IE, so just to be sure, I tried applying a background color instead, but that didn’t work either.
I also deactivated all of my plugins to see if one of them might be causing the issue, but that doesn’t appear to be the case, as I still experience the problem with no plugins activated.
I’d really appreciate help, as I’ve spend a couple of days trying to figure this out.
]]>IE is showing no styling at all in the footer. I’ve even tried an IE specific stylesheet, and while it works for everything else, the footer still refuses to cooperate.
Here’s my CSS (actual file path omitted):
footer {
height: 200px;
And here’s my footer.php file:
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="copyright">
<p>Address: ------------------------ | Phone: ------------ | Fax: ------------ | Email:<img id="email" src="https://-------/email-white-e1362761088669.png"/></p>
<div id="copyright-notice">
<span class="copyright-notice-1"><?php if (function_exists('bte_bc_tag')) { bte_bc_tag(); } ?></span>
<span class="copyright-notice-2"><p> | Design by Sara Fraser.</p></span>
<?php wp_footer(); ?></div>
I realize that there can be issues regarding a background image in IE, so just to be sure, I tried applying a background color instead, but that didn’t work either.
I also deactivated all of my plugins to see if one of them might be causing the issue, but that doesn’t appear to be the case, as I still experience the problem with no plugins activated.
I’d really appreciate help, as I’ve spend a couple of days trying to figure this out.
]]>I just updated to the latest version and the popup has no styling e.g. just blank white with no background shades. Anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve looked around for the answer here and on plugin site, and can’t find anything. I wonder if this has to do with running an older version of WP, or because of my theme?
My site is: openauniqueboutique.com
Would really appreciate some help, I like your timer’s styling choices, and I have a promotion coming up next week, would like to get this working by then.