Im getting an error when adding this block. Here is the screencap
Let me hear what you think…
I have Blog, Woo and a lot more running. WP-Optimize also and it tends to affect alot on sites if they are fully compatible, but here I am lost and don’t know what’s causing it.
]]>Can you provide with detailed information on what i should do
]]>A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the
attribute, for the address:
Then, right below, an error:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Not sure if any of this has something to do with what I’m seeing/experiencing… but thanks for any help!
]]>What is going wrong?
]]>I have noticed that by activating Ninja Form plugin I can no longer use preview a post and pages that are already published?
But preview works on posts and pages that are on drafts.
I have tested this with 3 websites, using https or http, it gives me the same result.
I am using WP 5.0.3, default theme, Twenty Nineteen theme, and no other plugins installed. I even tested this in a fresh installed WP website.
No error on Javascript either using Chrome Developer tool.
Please help? Thank you.
]]>Update: I noticed I had other document plugins installed. I disabled them and deleted them as well as deleted DOCXpresso and re installed and activated it.
I then clicked on the only Button I had to insert documents which just says “Insert Documents”.
I uploaded a simple ods and ODT file and now when I go to preview and I get
PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED Internal Server Error 500
I have tried both simple ODS and ODT files with just one or two lines of text.
I upload the file go to preview and I get “No Preview Available” where the doc should be.
After I select the doc, I get a dialogue box that says the viewer is “google doc Viewer” could this be the problem?
Please let me know how to get this to work as it would save me a bunch of time.
]]>I’ve the problem with that I can’t get a thumbnail image while I insert my URL in facebook (linked posts).
I already checked the facebook tool and I’ve got different notices:
– Check that the webserver is running, and that there are no firewalls blocking Facebook’s crawlers.
– The ‘og:type’ property is required, but not present.
– The ‘fb:app_id’ property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
It worked till a few days ago, but now I can’t share my links incl. an autom. generated image. Could anybody help me with this please?
Thanks a lot!
“Inferred Property
The ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Missing Required Property
The og:type property is required, but not present.
Inferred Property
The ‘og:url’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Share App ID Missing
The ‘fb:app_id’ property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.”
If anybody could help me with that, I would be soooo happy… please
Thanks in advance,
]]>However, facebook is fine and it works perfectly when I click to share!
I don’t want to set up a featured image or anything like that (I mean I guess I will if that’s the only way to fix it). I just want to be able to click on the icon to share my post and it automatically show up in twitter (with the link, image, etc).
How I can make that happen?
My website is:
Thanks so much!